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Old 02-11-2009, 11:10 PM
Melissa Ann
Elite Fan
Joined: Jul 2007
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I loved this episode.

The few things I didn't like were:

1) Rossi trying so hard to disprove the psychic. People need hope at a hard time, and he took the only hope that mother had left when he handed her the psychic's file.

2) JJ's apparent discomfort at the thought of loosing a child. Now that she is a mother, I hope she's not going to back out of the show because of a change of feelings. Hotch has a son and if anything, it motivates him more to get the scumbags.

I'm afraid that there is going to be a change in how the characters relate, now that JJ is a mother and new emotions arise on new cases. Things that might not have effected her before, will effect her now.

I wasn't too excited about Cybill Shephard's appearance, it was kind of bland, just like her role as Martha Stewart (no offense to Cybill fans).

I liked the ending when Hotch pulled the tarp down to show Rossi the psychic's vision. It may not have been literal, but it mattered.

Not a lot of Derek in this episode and I missed that.

Prentiss was awesome as always. I love her facial expressions. When they were questioning the blond wig dude, Stanley Usher, she conveyed what she was thinking without having to say a word.

What did everyone else think of the cast performances this episode?

What were your favorite moments and least favorite moments?
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