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Old 02-11-2009, 01:57 PM
Pixie B
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Just thought I'd post this here since a lot of you don't go to the J/D thread at the Danneel's board.

Jared did two interviews this week and talked about watching MBV with Jensen and Danneel:

Well, we actually went and saw it opening night. Bizarrely, for one of the rare times of the year, we each had a day off and his girlfriend was in town and Kerr Smith, who is in the movie also, was in town. So, we actually snuck into the theater, put the little glasses on and we got to thinking later, “You know what? I'll bet you the people behind us were like 'These glasses are amazing! It's like they're right here!’” [laughs] So, it was a lot of fun. It's a really fun movie. If you haven't seen it, it's a lot of fun to go see. I’m giving him a shameless plug.
Link: Jared Padalecki Interview, Friday the 13th Remake - MoviesOnline

It’s rare for us to have a day off, and we both had that Friday off [when his movie came out]. His girl and he were going on a date, and I was like “no, we’re seeing your movie.” We put little goggles on and snuck in after the movie started. Kerr Smith, who is also in the movie, he was in town shooting a pilot. So the four us, Kerr and Jensen’s girl saw the movie and we were joking afterwards, the guy behind us must have been going “these goggles are amazing, they’re right there.”

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