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Old 02-01-2009, 05:22 AM
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Joined: Feb 2009
Posts: 1
Kyle XY has been ignored and treated as a cash cow by ABC Family for too long. The writing is good, the acting is good, and the series itself is good. Which is why they took advantage of our dedication and patience.

It's time for the show to move to a bigger network that can afford to promote and schedule on a regular basis.

To do this, we have to get the attention of other networks and the producers. ABC Studios will retain the rights, but the show could be shown on another network.

Here's my short list of candidates:

. ABC Network, which would open it up to a much broader audience.
. USA Network, which is about to see their hit series "Monk" end by choice.
. Sci Fi Network, which is a valid alternative, but very much run like ABC Family.

How about some suggestions on how to approach these organizations? I think postcards are an okay way, but to be taken seriously, something more direct is needed.

Any suggestions from our dedicated fans?
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