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Old 02-01-2009, 05:17 AM
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Joined: Jun 2007
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Live in Love (Vanessa♥Zachary) #545: because sorry Zac, but V looks better in your clothes than you do

The first time I remember meeting Zac was at the HSM auditions. He likes to tell that Thunderbirds story, but I swear to you I have no
recollection of this supposed introduction. How would I have forgotten those eyes, which struck me the moment we were paired together
as potential Troy and Gabriellas? I mean if anyone has ever been lucky enough to see them in person, they know what I’m talking about;
they’re really blue blue – completely mesmerizing. When I got past the eyes, the rest of him wasn’t too bad to look at either, even as a skinny
17-year-old with shaggy, badly shaped hair. But beyond the obvious, I really knew I was in trouble when he had me laughing hysterically
within 5 minutes of knowing him. And the best thing is he’s pretty much kept me laughing ever since that day.

You know, no matter their age, every girl can’t help but dream about her very own Prince Charming, so of course I had thought about what my
ideal guy would be like. I even shared my ideal over a late-night gabfest with Ash not long before HSM took over our lives. At the time, I remember
her having a knowing smirk on her face when I’d described my version of Prince Charming to her. It was only after I had met Zac and we
officially started dating that she told me the reason why she was smirking that night was because I’d described Zac to a tee. And, she said
that if fate hadn’t stepped in to introduce us, she would have done it herself, having been friends with both of us for quite some time.

Even though Ash best remembered what my ideal guy would look like, more important to me was the substance of the man. I mean, a girl
can’t survive on a pretty face alone – we gotta be able to do something other than look at each other all day! In that regard, I got really, really
lucky with Zac. He’s my Prince Charming incarnate – cute, funny, sweet, loyal and honest all wrapped into one seriously hot package.
He’s also got a romantic streak a mile wide, though he likes to downplay that to save his rep with the fellas. But this is the guy that planned
our trips to Hawaii and Turks & Caicos, two of the best vacations I’ll probably take in my lifetime. And even though I originally thought
he would forget he always remembers anniversaries and other special occasions, and never fails to make each one memorable in their
own way. He really does make it hard for any other boyfriend to measure up.

Since I met Zac, my life’s been one big adventure. A lot of that had to do with being part of the HSM phenomenon. We’ve had a lot of fun
traveling the world together – Europe, Mexico, Australia. Our all-time favorite stop has to be London. We always managed to sneak a little
personal time in between work while there, catching some really great performances on the London stage. And I completely blame him for
turning me into even more of an adrenaline junkie. He totally got me into watersports – surfing, kayaking, scuba diving; I’ve even
tried skimboarding, much to my butt’s dismay. But as much fun as we have being active, there’s nothing we’d rather do than hang
out and do absolutely nothing. It’s our favorite pastime – just being together is always enough. And what girl wouldn’t love a guy that would
willingly go shopping – let alone furniture shopping – just to spend time with you? And be your chauffeur? Though the reason he went
to the furniture store is probably to make sure I bought an entertainment center big enough to accommodate the gaming consoles he’d
undoubtedly buy to stash at my place too. Regardless, it’s a great feeling to know that the person you’ve chosen appreciates you, and small
things like that just make me fall a little more in love with him.

In all honesty, I can’t believe it’s only been 3 years. It seems like so much more time has passed than that. I feel like I’ve known Zac for forever,
that he’s always been a part of my life, there to support me through the highs and lows. He’s a presence that I could never imagine being gone
now that he is there, an amazing guy that’s just as proud of me as I am of him. Whatever reason brought us together – fate or lucky circumstances
– I’m not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. I’ve found my Prince Charming, and I don’t intend to let him go.

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Last edited by Fearlessღ; 02-01-2009 at 12:36 PM
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