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Old 01-14-2009, 03:20 AM
New Fan
Joined: Dec 2008
Posts: 87
Ok.. I'm feeling better now... I'm gonna go find one of those fancy Chinese streaming sites and catch up..
I would if you get to the point where you can't watch anymore episodes. It would tide you over until the disc arrives.

I'm on episode 3 season 4. My Mum came over to spend the day here and watched it with me although she has clearly seen season 4 because she said "has XXXXX happened" er no Mum it hasn't but thanks for just ruining that part for me

After all that thread avoidance and spoilers it is my own mother who tells me a major plot line. As Paul would say "I am sooking" which I assume means sulking.

Sparklestar.. I like Thief's thinking with the teacher
I don't think the teacher would understand, she doesn't look like the Everwood type in that she is strange and wooden for a primary school teacher (that means a school where you go from 4-11yrs of age) I expected someone a bit more animated and fun (like his teacher last year!) alas, no.
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