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Old 12-15-2008, 12:24 PM
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Episode 3x13 - The Man From Tallahassee

"It's so blatantly obvious how much Jack and Kate care for each other at this point, and this episode
solidified it for me. There are a number of times when i've thought 'Kate really loves him, she knows it',
this was one of those times. The minute she saw him playing the Piano ... She was entranced.
She was mesmerized by the moment, she let her guard down and her feelings were written all over her face.
Jack couldnt believe his eyes .. when she said "hey", his voice failed him,
he choked a little, "what are you doing here"
showed so much of his feelings before he pulled his guard up again. In the Game room,
The unspoken words. The handholding. Kate's tears. It's beautiful.
And Jack's "I will come back here for you" is breath-taking.
Thats why I love this episode so much, you cant deny these moments,
something powerful happend to Jate
in this episode, it made it more deserving of the word EPIC,, - Nora

Episode 3x22.23 - Through The Looking Glass

This is where everything changed. We got to see selfless Jack once again putting
Kate's happiness in front of his own. When she asked,
"Why are you sticking up for him, he'd never do it for you?"

he decided to tell her the simplest answer he could: "Because I love you". And yes, we cried, we squeed
but most important, we were able to see Jack finaly putting his feelings out there and being happy about it.
It was one of those little moments when he just decides to be honest with her and why not with himslef.
His face, his expression, everything told us he just needed her to know he loved her, even though he thought
she definitelty didn't feel that way. But Kate's reaction told us a different story, the realisation that this guy
really had feelings for her after thinking she wasn't worth of them changed her attitude towards him from then on.
Later Kate helped an injured Jack when he most needed it, Jack trusted Kate with the truth and no one else.
And Team Jate tried to get everyone off the island. In the end we were introduced to a story,
changing everything on Lost, they threw us in the Future! And who else could be the protagonists of this
mindblowing event other then Jack and Kate? Because they are where it all started,
where it all changed and of course, where it all will end. - Flor

• Season Four

Jack and Kate’s arc during S4 was a welcome change from the heartache both of them (and we as their fans) experienced during S3. They picked up from Jack’s ILY, obviously very happy to be back in “Team Jate” status but weary about where they stood with each other. Kate assumed her role by his side as his confidant, his rock, his support and his friend. But before they could move forward one way or the other, Jack knew she needed to figure things out with Sawyer. When she didn’t come back from the barracks, Jack was heartbroken and confused. He literally had to give her the push to go so when she didn’t come back with everyone else, he didn’t get it and he was troubled because he didn’t think he could ever leave the island without her. He kissed Juliet in an effort to push Kate out of his head and to convince himself that his world didn’t revolve around her; that he wasn’t as in love with her as he thought. He was wrong. As they gradually made their way back to each other emotionally on island and dealt with the pending rescue, we jumped forward to the future in which we found Jack and Kate experiencing what true bliss is like. Jack was hesitant; of course, to pursue this life with Kate because of what seeing Aaron every day reminded him of. Even so, being away from Kate when they were so ready to be together, was too much to handle for Jack – So he gave it a try. He wanted it so much that he bought a ring and asked Kate to spend the rest of her life with him, to which she happily and immediately accepted. Unfortunately, it just wasn’t the right time for “happily ever after” – even though Kate was absolved of her crimes and Jack was back at work at St. Sebastian, neither of them had gotten past their internal issues and for Jack, the island’s pull was just too strong; which ultimately lead to Jack walking away, leaving Kate heartbroken and entering the downward spiral in which we left off in the S3 finale. Still, it’s quite obvious that love remains; when you love someone like that, it will stand the test of time and there is no doubt that Jack & Kate will finally find the common ground they were so desperately seeking for their relationship.

Episode 4x01 - The Beginning of The End

The season starts with Kate and Jack still up at the radio tower. She smiles while asking him if they're really going home,
he smiles back, saying they really are. Naomi's body though, is missing. Jack thinks he found the right trail to follow.
Kate thinks the same and he smiles telling her that, once rescued, they would be,
"laughing about the fact that there is one final thing that we couldn't agree up on." She laughs and hugs him,
stealing the sat phone from his backpocket.
Jack so touched by having her in his arms didn't even realize that. Buring his nose in her hair.
They separate and Jack finds out he was wrong. Kate was right, the two camps reunite in the middle of the jungle,
Kate and Jack arrive there too. The Losties separate in two gropus, one with Locke, the other with Jack.
Kate obviously stays at Jack's side. Having learned about Charlie's death Jack is wondering "how did this happen?"
Kate's by his side,n ear the cockpit of their plane,
their faces are sad while they remember Charlie, Kate looking at Jack knowing his pain, sharing his pain.
Then they look at ach other for a moment, her eyes never leaving his, and the world seems to disappear. - Franci

Episode 4x03 - The Economist

I feel like this episode was pivotal to Jate. Personally, I like the banter they were getting back to.
Jack isn't invited to the trip back to othersville by Sayid and Kate decides to tease him about it.
Grinning and bitting her lip as she looks up at him, flirt signs drooling out of her eyes.
"Now you know how it feels like to be me. She tried, but Jack answers, "Does that mean I should wait
20 minutes and go anyway?" "Touché!"
and they share another long meaningful look,
Kate obviously enjoying this, until Jack sends Kate, the person he trusts the most, to go with Sayid.
Telling her Sawyer will protect her from Locke. And as you watch her face change you realize Sawyer was
the last person she was thinking about in this moment. Once back to Othersville first thing Kate does when
she sees Sawyer, who asks her to be quiet, is to shout for Sayid and point her gun at him. Amazing how easily
and clearly Kate takes a stand against Sawyer, her "boyfriend" at the time. We know that Jack implied
she had to go to back, trusting her to come back to him so he got visibly hurt when she didn't.
Not knowing what her real reason was. The way he stood there, facing the direction
Kate should have come from is just heartbreaking! - Nat

Episode 4x10 - Something Nice Back Home

"Jack picked some panties up off of the floor. The night was intense. Deep breath. I know this house. Deep breath.
Two glasses of wine from the previous night. Deep breath. Someone is on the shower. I know this voice.
He opens the door and IT'S KATE! They kiss. We've waited years for this. Finally.
It's so peaceful. It's so normal, like a habit,
but still so intense and passionate. Him taking care of Aaron & Kate, his family now.
Unforgettable. In the hallway, they kiss again, they're so close like they've never been before.
It's sexy, but yet so respectful. We can see now that she is happy. He's happy too.
Because what's going to prevent them from being together has NOTHING to do with their relationship.
It's not because they don't want to be together. They love each other. They miss each other.
On the island Jack was so fragile and all the time he asked for Kate to be there with him.
"So it looks like I'm gonna be your nurse" JACK. PROPOSED. TO. HER! And even better damn she said YES!
"Of course I will, yes" it's pretty much a synonym as 'I love you' to me. "Kate and I got engaged".
I could keep repeating that until the end of the times. THEY WERE ENGAGED! The episode was a mix of
happiness, relief, all the emotions together. The end was painful, but I'm sure that whatever
she's doing for Sawyer "it has nothing to do" with them. They still have to figure out some things
because when they do, they're going to be together and the show is going to be over. - Carol

Episode 4x12.13 - There Is No Place Like Home

When they all reunite at the chopper. Sawyer tries to flirt with her,
but as soon Kate notices Jack she passes Sawyer, going straight to Jack.
"Are you okay?" He waits for eye-contact &
when they lock eyes he tells her, "I am now." causing a charmed Kate.
While leaving the island, Kate gazes at Jack, and when she turns, Jack gazes at her. Heroic Sawyer jumps out, first kissing
Kate goodbye. Interesting is, Kate isn't freaking out or isn't shouting after him,
"I can't leave without you!!" Later we find out someone else has to jump. Looking in each others eyes,
neither Jack or Kate does so. They land on the freighter but have to leave instantly. Jack grabs her hand,
his words, "I won't leave without you." stop her from struggeling and hand in hand they leave.
He would give all up to be with her. Just like she gave up her chance of beeing free and with Sawyer, for him.
Once the O6 are rescued by reaching a beach. Jack goes over to Kate&Aaron, together they walk towards their future.
Which we get another glimps at. "We've to go back!?" Kate shouts, furious & heartbroken.
It hurts to be remembered of him constantly, specially when he's on drugs. Jack is ashamed.
"To keep you safe. You & Aaron" BAMN. She hits him in the face. Putting all her pain in that slap.
She gave everything to their releation. She gave it all up for him. She needs him. She loves him.
You can just see how deeply he broke her heart. How much she misses him. "I still have to explain
to him why you're not there to read to him."
Can you picture this scene!? Kate is remembered everyday
of the pain he caused her by leaving & now she leaves. But once they'll stop pushing each other away,
they'll come back to each other, they always do. - Liesbeth

• Season Five

Will they find their way back to the island? Will they find their way back to each other?

[Season Five - January 21th, 2009]

"In SNBH we were introduced to a little family scenario:
Jack&Kate living together and raising Aaron,
pretended son of Kate and actual nephew of Jack.
Their routine is quite simple, but touching, especially seeing Jack reading to Aaron.
We've learned in Eggtown that Jack didn't want anything to do with the child,
but after Kate's trial he changed his mind and he starts a relationship with both Kate and her son.
Even though at the end of episode Jack leaves them both
we're shown in The S4 Finale that Aaron still asks for Jack to read tohim." - Alessia

I also see her bond with Jack is actually stronger than the bond with Aaron.
I feel like watching, Jack pushing her away and then her
pushing him away, that is what will bring her to her knees.
It will be her bond with Jack. - Evangeline

"They are now emotionally connected more than they have ever been.
If you removed all the circumstances that are getting in the way of them being
together romantically, I think they could be together at this point. But there are so many things
going on and so many things requiring their attention and their energy. It's like two ships
constantly passing in the night, but they really are connected through time and space almost." - Matthew

"If he is seen breathing his dying breath, the only person he wants to have at his side is Kate.
He is making up excuses for her to be there. I feel that, for Kate, it was affirmed that he loves her
and that, well, he's just Jack. She is so frustrated; his nature makes him so hard
to need and deal with. But the reality is that Jack loves Kate. And on the flip side,
when you think you are going to lose someone, you actually face what they mean to you.
When she had to face potentially losing Jack forever, that made her realize exactly
what she felt for him. - Evangeline

"Her hands linger on his face for one finale beat. She can’t do this. But has to… she lets go”
The End script
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