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Old 12-14-2008, 09:47 AM
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Joined: Mar 2008
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their journey;
{ back to the start; denial; jealousy; scheming; }

in our words;

"You sure?" he asked quietly, his eyes on hers, steady and unwavering.
And Blair had nodded and whispered yes with an amount of conviction she hadn't known she possessed and he moved over her, into her, with his lips on hers and it was something kind of out of a movie -- all slow motion and dramatic music. Somewhere down the line she'll mark it as a turning point of sorts, the beginning of a different sort of stage in her life.
Blair distinctly remembers it as the only time she'd ever felt anything close to resembling whole.

~ Beaten Paths by abvj ~

More than anything, i want to see chuck and blair be there for each other when one of them are at their deepest lows. they fight, scheme, and argue so often that it sometimes becomes hard to see their genuine love for each other, but if chuck were to help carry blair through her bouts with bulimia, or if blair were to comfort chuck by letting him know that he's not alone in feeling isolated from his parent, we could more clearly see that what they have between them isn't just passion or excitement. it reaches levels of love and devotion deeper than even the most epic of romances.
~ jemx2 ~

the icons;

laura; issa; isabelle cs

in our words;

"Tell it to me. The poem," she pleads.
I give in because one, I love her and two, I'm horny.
"Roses are red." I kiss her ear and she smiles. "Violets are blue." I kiss her jaw. "I love Blair Waldorf," I kiss the very edge of her mouth. "And she loves me too." I kiss the back of her hand.
Her mouth is opened as she stares at me, and I know I've got her.
"Oh – you're good!" She says, smiling.
"I do try," I smirk, and she swats me playfully.

~ Boys Don't Lie by Isabelle ~

At the end of the season I see Blair and Chuck as a real couple. They'll still have their problems and probably will never stop their arguing but they will hopefully realize that they can't run from their feelings any longer and have a chance of being in a relationship with each other. Not in secret but for the whole world to see.
~ Laura ~

the fanart;

laura; issa; isabelle;

future titles;

Because "their obvious obsession and desire towards each other is just plain ridiculous." {The Frisky}
Because "she was extremely jealous, pretty much." {North by Northwestern}
Because Episodes without CB is capital offense! {Blog Critics magazine}
Because episodes without CB are a crime. A crime against humanity!!!!!
Because "Look in my eyes, you're killing me. All I wanted was you."
12 day of christmas title spree
-On the 1st day of christmas C gave to B, boris under the pear tree
-On the 2nd day of xmas B gave to C, a skimpy little Slip(y)
-Etc have fun!
Because she loves him.
Because she could never forget him.
Because even their epicness is epic
Because we get title fodder every episode!
Because she is his family.
Because no matter what she will look for him.
Because I love you with my heart... my whole heart.
Masochist & Narcissist(C&B): Because Blair is Chuck's family and his home, Chuck will find everything he wants and needs in Blair.

our soundtrack;

back cover | download the songs

Now every word of every song
I ever heard that made me want to stay
is playing through the in-flight radio
And I am finally waking up...

perfect moment;

I'm sorry for everything.
You deserve much better.
Don't come looking for me.

their future;

The first season of Gossip Girl gave us the amazing beginning to a love story which will hopefully span the entire show. These two unique characters came together in a way that was both unexpected, complicated and beautiful and though they've been through a lot in just one season, their story is only just beginning. Season two began with a lot of denial, scheming and fighting their feelings, but through it all, it's clear to us that these two will always be a big part of each others lives.

"I film so much and I’m working so much that when I do get even a Saturday off
or a Sunday off or any time off, I just literally — I’m a hermit — I just
watch movies or sleep or just hang out with my close friends and relax."
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