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Old 11-20-2008, 11:40 PM
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^--I actually did watch the clips... but I was also the one who kept saying Lois wouldn't get hurt too that didn't make any sense to me, I knew she had another reason for leaving, but I think being spoiled... I knew it was gonna be kinda sad, so I think that's why I was okay with it. Like you said, my expectations really weren't that high either...I never thought it was going to be better than Committed because I knew they wouldn't actually kiss...

So I just went to DI cause I always do the opposite of what I say and I guess they're upset mostly because they think when Lois comes back she's gonna shut all of her feelings away...which I don't know if she will, but if she does... maybe her and Clark will reverse roles and we'll see Clark realizing how much he missed her/pining for her...and that would be awesome too, right? And then eventually they'll both be on the same page, and
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