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Old 11-16-2008, 01:30 PM
Elite Fan

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The reason I love Clois so much is so simple. They seem to complete each other, and not just in that corny can't live without each other way. Lois is the girl that Clark never thought he would meet or frankly be friends with, Clark is the boy Lois could never have guessed. I firmly believe that Lois is the one that makes Clark feel welcome, makes him feel like he belongs on the planet. So why do I love Clois? Simple. They won't fess up to there feelings, they know they're there but they just can't stop denying it. The best thing about this ship? It's not if it's going to happen it's when.

My favorite scene has to be the last Clark/Lois scene in Arctic, it even beats out some of my other favorites. It is such a simple scene but it says so much about their relationship. I just adore how Lois doesn't say anything until Clark looks over at her, that shows how much Clark means to her, even if just as a friend. They deeply trust each other, Clark was there for her when she broke up with Oliver and I just know that Lois will be there for Clark.

Season Seven's Apocalypse gets my vote for my all time favorite Clois episode. They totally owned this episode. Not only did it show us what they would be like in the near future, but it also showed how Lois would always need a Clark in her life. The episode just ended a good note for both of them when Lois asks Clark (like she did in the Alternate Reality) to go out for a brew.

-eiluvial (Emily)

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I love the Clark and Lois relationship for so many reasons. They have amazing chemistry but they can also be so sweet and playful too. They are so understanding and supportive of each other too. They know the other person will always be there for them no matter what. Which is why my fav scene between them is when she is comforting him about Lana. He tells her sometimes he feels like she doesn't know him but other times she knows him better than anyone. It showed how much they had grown in their relationship, how much they understand each other and why they become the legendary couple that they become. I think of one fav episodes for Clois interaction is 'Gone' because it shows several levels of their relationship. Their is attraction, fun, flirty banter but also shows them working together toward a common goal. Which shows the great team of Lane and Kent.

-Titch (Fay)

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Why do you love Clois?
I love Clark and Lois cause I think they could understand each other in a level that no one could understand. I love how they always look out for each other and the way they care for one another. Lois brings out the fun in Clark and Clark bring out that sensitive side of Lois that you probably wouldn't know exist. They bring the best out in each other and they open up to each other in a way that they wouldn't usually open up to anyone else. Lois is a strong woman who speaks her mind and I think that what Clark needs. Clark is loyal, kind and a great listener and we all know that's what Lois need. These two are made for each other plain and simple and they are destined to be and that'll never change.

Fav Episode of Clois?
I'm currently stuck between three episodes and they are Crusade, Crimson and Apocalyse cause they all had some very good Clois moments. In Crusade, I love the way Clark and Lois meet and I love when he picks her up in the hospital. In Crimson, I love the Clois kisses and the Clois flying scene and much more in the episode. Now in Apocalypse, I just loved when they meet in the Daily Planet and when he saves her they smile at each other and they went out for a drink at the end. So this is a hard question to answer but if I had to choose one, it would probably be Crimson, even thought Clark and Lois was effected by Red K, but the ending scene was great so I go with Crimson.

Fav Clois Moments?
Clois had so many great moments. I love when they kiss in Hydro. I love when Clark saved her in Apocalypse, even though it was in a alternate universe, but my all time favorite would still have to be from the Season 4 episode, Façade, when she dunks Clark in the water. That moment just made me be a huge Clois fan and I think every single Clark and Lois fan was smiling when they saw that. But it really is hard to choose one moment and after Season 8 I might have another number one moment, so that is my number one for now.



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Link for some icons by Spike It Up

Fanfic Recomendations

Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow - Tailspin by Sunrei
A World Without Lois Lane by Jade
Thanksgiven Wishes by Rachel
Questions by Rachel
New Year's Tradition by Rachel
Marking Territory by Rachel
Lois Gone Wild by Rachel
Inklings by Rachel
Fooling by Rachel
Crimson by Rachel
Breaking Traditions by Rachel
Selective Memory by Visiongirl and Sunrei A new version of the episode "Blank"
Rivers of Red by Scribe
Two of a Kind - Black Canary cames to Smallville during season 6.
Date Interruptus by Fred Pryce Set during "Justice"
Season's Greedings by Fred Pryce The Smallville version of the Lois & Clark christmas episode.
Serendipity by Fred Pryce Inspired by the movie with the same name.
Split personality by Fred Pryce Black Kryptonite splits Lois in two and Clark have to deal with them.
Intoxication by Fred Pryce Version of "Crimson" inspired by spoilers.
Definition of Bliss by Fred Pryce Version of "Promise" inspired by Spoilers.
The Incredibly Dense Mind of Lois Lane by nonjon
Red Hot Peaches by Ferdykins
Seven Days by gretelbug
Contingency Plan (takes place after s6 Reunion)
Hurt (takes place s5 after Cyborg)
Mystery Man (takes place after Fragile s5)
Fools In Love - by Louise, "inspired after I read the "Harley Quinn" comics"
Metropolis Confidential by Louise




This departure opened the door for some new characters to come into the Smallville series, and the new Lois Lane played very effectively by new comer Erica Durance stepped into the role and won viewers respect almost as quickly as she did the cast and crew of the show.Welling when talking about the actress is very quick to point out how much he enjoys the onset chemistry between his character of Clark and Erica [Durance] as Lois Lane.
"What I particularly enjoy about her character is the side of Clark that she brings out. I love the sarcastic, tongue-in-cheek humor that we're able to portray in that relationship, and haven't been able to in the past because of the heavy, dramatic situations that Clark often found himself in with the other characters."
- a recent Tom Welling interview - taken from

Total Stars: Did Lois Lane bring a lot of changes in Clark's life?
Tom: She came into his life in a totally unexpected way and even though she doesn't change his life radically, she still has a strong impact on it. Lois does not behave with Clark as others do. She's natural, has no problems and she's got a knack for getting into trouble! Clark doesn't have a clue that she's going to be the love of his life (smile)

- a recent Tom Welling interview - taken from DTS.

Tom Welling: "I know that Lois isn't exactly a romantic addition, but you're right, there's a spark, a chemistry between Clark and Lois where they can't stand each other but at the same time, they can't stand not being around each other." - Tom Welling, December 2004

Laura Vandervoort is a Clois fan!
As a 'Smallville' fan, do you think Clark should be with Chloe, Lana or Lois?

I would have to say Lois Lane. Chloe is kind of the best friend and there isn't really that kind of chemistry there. Lana has been there for so long on and off that I think it is time for a new woman.
interview link
Taken from an Erica Durance Interview on the direction of Clark/Lois relationship in S7 and beyond.
"What is also interesting for me to see is these two fighting with each other and finding out why they love each other."

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B/c she called Clark when she was in trouble
B/c he dropped everything to come to her rescue
B/c she wanted to protect him by not telling him her secret
B/c she complimented him
B/c she loved every minute of the zipper scene
B/c he was obviously jealous and she was obviously trying to make him jealous
because they want to keep each other out of harms way.
I think she knew all along but really did not want to admit (it) to herself - Erica Durance

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