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Old 11-16-2008, 07:27 AM
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Joined: Jul 2006
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Lucas: Suddenly it was if the roar of the crowd,the echo of the final buzzers, the cheers of my teammates were all sounding from 1,000 miles away,and what remained in that bizarre,muffled silence was only Peyton,the girl whose art,passion and beauty had changed my life. In that moment,my triumph was not a state championship,but simple clarity: the realization that we had always been meant for each other and every instinct to the contrary had simply been a denial of the following truth: I was now and would always been in love with Peyton Sawyer.

Jack: I asked you not to come back,and I wish....wish that you hadn't. [he got up and seemed to walk away but instead he came closer and whispered in her ear] But I will come back for you.

Hermione: It's not Quidditch that's popular, it's you! You've never been more interesting, and frankly, you've never been more fanciable.

Justin: We don't need rings nor vows to prove that we love each other. We already know that.

Clark: It's always been you Lana. You're the only one I've ever really loved....

Blair: I love you Nate Archibald,always have,always will.

Serena: I need to know why you love me.
Dan: Because I do.
Serena: I really want to trust you when you say those words, Dan, so maybe if I knew why, I’d stop being so scared of hearing them and afraid to say them.
Dan: Okay. Well, if you want to talk about why…
Serena: It has to do with my mom and her many marriages.
Dan: There. that’s why. Because I actually like it when you interrupt me, which is often, by the way. I love you because you make no apologies about being exactly who you are… Beautiful, smart, sexy as hell.
Serena: Now you’re embarrassing me.
Dan: That’s another reason. You’re completely unaware of your affect on me. You’re also completely unaware that you laugh like a 4 year old.
(Serena laughs)
Dan: Just like that. And I love you because you can be with someone like me and still be best friends with someone like Blair.
Serena: Yeah, well, I tried to be.
Dan: I know you do, and that’s not easy, but you never give up on her. That is how amazing you are.
Serena: Well, you’re amazing, too, for being able to say all of those things, you just are. (they kiss) And I love you…

Izzie: I care about you. I care about you and I'm not gonna go crazy and I'm not gonna try to kill myself and I'm not gonna stop caring about you no matter how hard you push me away.
Alex: Shut up and get out of my room.
Izzie: No,I care about you and I know you care about me too,it's not too late for us.
Alex: Get out of my room
Izzie: Admit it. Admit that you care about me too,I know you do and I care about you,I care about you,I care about you,I care about you,I care about you,I care...(Alex kisses her)

Vaughn: What happened between us - everything. The way it is . . . isn't anyone's fault, Sydney. And even though everything's changed, some things don't. I'm not gonna lose you twice.

Nathan: Here. you go. Don't say I never give you anything.

Sara: The first thing they tell you when you take the job is uh...never fall in love with an inmate.

Ryan: Look,I don't know where my future is,but I know it's with you.
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