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Old 10-30-2008, 03:54 PM
Elite Fan
Joined: Aug 2000
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Originally Posted by Phee (View Post)
Does anyone know where there'd be a set of PS brushes with graphics like you're looking through a camera viewfinder? Stuff like this, and this.
Hi Phee

I have never seen a brush like that, but since you have a great black and white images of what you want, have you thought about making the brush yourself?

All you have to do is is select the image with the marquee tool (shortcut hit the m key) or just click it on the tool palette. Then hold down shift to make it a perfect square selection, and drag around the part of the image you want to make into a brush. Then go to Edit>Define Brush. Then name it and then hit okay. Presto! Brush.
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