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Old 10-28-2008, 03:19 AM
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parkavenue_prepette's Avatar
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oh chuck. oh blair. i don't think i could love these characters more than right now

and Vanessa? Please DIAF. Even her 2 microsecond scenes annoyed me. Apart from the fact that she got in the way of CB, from a purely objective standpoint she has no moral grounds whatsover for what she did.

Vanessa was asking for it when she told blair "i own you" last episode. She brought it upon herself if she was going to behave in such an abrasive and simply rude way. Even then, she got played- so what? It's not like anything meaningful to her was damaged (and Chuck was geniunely for the bar anyway so she didn't have to worry about that).

Now she goes around crying "oh woe is me" while omitting her part in the story? Please.

she's officially reinstated herself as my most despised chracter on gossipgirl. After the captain. Even after Alison.

i can understand that she's a plot device to drive the action and to create scenes (ie. CB rooftop). But at the same time, she's a terribly painful plot device to watch.

apart from my CB spiel, other thoughts-

- i so agree, Blair absolutely OWNED this episode. Her character was just beautifully portrayed, not pointlessly bitchy but full of vulnerability, motivation, and at the same time that "spark" and glow when she's simply being delightful. Love it. Love Leighton and how gorgeous (and i mean gooorgeous!) blair looked this whole episode (not a suprise ), loved the heartbreaking crying scenes. I cried with her.

-Serena was such a good friend this episode, i love her best like this. Just really sweet, really supportive. She's in her element when she's being herself and nurturing. When she's "bitchy" i just cringe, but here- where she's down to earth and fabulous without trying, i adore her.

-Dan and Blair: Awesomness!!!! They're so honest around each other, i can imagine them becoming best friends when(if) they get into Yale together. The sort of best friends who are invaluable because they tell it like it is, Blair and Dan are so fun and snarky around each other. No games, because they see each other for what they are. They roll they eyes at each other and actually give each other good advice. That said, i was furious with Dan when he believed that twit Vanessa. But he redeemed himself. But Leighton and Penn have WAY better chemistry (romantic or non romantic) than Dan/Vanessa ever did.

-Aaron: He was actually really hot! i a cool, Johnny Depp kind of way I'm super excited about Serena/Aaron

-Nate/Jenny: i don't really know what to think...they just happened too quickly for me to really have an opinion on..

oh and final note (coz this post is looooong ) I can see where Blair gets her vulnerabilities from if Eleanor is that cruel on a regular basis. poor...anyone who has to deal with her!

Last edited by parkavenue_prepette; 10-28-2008 at 03:39 AM
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