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Old 10-26-2008, 04:43 AM
like a perfect storm
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This episode was kind of cute. Want to know why? Because Brooke and Lucas totally get it on! And not just completely randomly. Like they actually have build up to it! Lucas just didn’t get up out of bed one morning and said "Hey, I think I’ll date Brooke!" like he usually does with some blondes. Nope, they went out as friends and things just went from there. After the previous episode where the two of them actually talked and got to know one another, he realized that most people were wrong about Brooke. He wanted to get to know her more so he gave her his favorite book to read. Brooke, of course, makes it a game and tells him that she’ll read the book – if he does something for him. So at the beginning of this episode, she pops up everywhere with flirty hints. Even Keith picks up on it. She finishes the book and takes Lucas out for the night. Sissy virgin boy that he is, thinks that drinking beer is his part of the deal, but oh no, Brooke has much more up her sleeve. She impresses him with her pool skills, she tells him some truths like how she loves heat lighting on those summer nights, and the two bond further over ‘Weird Science’ before Brooke leads him to a corner and shows him her tattoo. Which, by the way, is very sexy. And lo and behold the very intense and hot make-out session which is probably the hottest first kiss in the history of first kisses.

Despite the fact Lucas wakes up with a tattoo, he enjoyed himself – and so did Brooke. And then some other stuff happens in this episode that’s too boring to mention. But basically what it comes down to is that this episode owned all. I mean, yeah, episode 3 had leopard bras and topless Brooke, episode 8 had their sweet talk in Peyton’s room and a kiss on the cheek – but episode 9 was the one where Lucas really started looking at Brooke as much more than Peyton’s best friend. And what’s more, this episode ended with a cliffhanger. Brooke or Peyton? Hmm, choices, but because of this episode and the one before, Lucas chose Brooke. You get it. He CHOSE her. So suck it. And thus the two of them began to date… until Lucas screwed it up but we won’t talk about that. Just think of the kissage.

So when we all saw this trailer, how many of you did a little squee of joy in your heart? How many of you rewound it and watched it over and over again? That tiny clip with Brooke and Lucas on the beach was pressed into our minds. We wondered, ached, obsessed over how and why they were sharing a scene together after the season of heartbreak we had before. Episode 9 of season 2 heralded something we like to call hope. I mean, we did have mentions of our couple in the episodes before, but none so wildly thrilling and touching as this.

But let’s start at the beginning. There was a school dance and Lucas was going with Anna, while Brooke was going with Peyton with the intention to hook up with Felix or whoever. Like Brooke said: "it’s not who you take to Formal, it’s who you take home." And boy howdy did that mean something!

After discovering Mouth and Felix both lied to her, Brooke broke her ‘Friends With Benefits’ rule with the latter; and when he tried to defend his actions by bringing up her past hurt with Lucas, Brooke replies that he’s not like Lucas – because she won’t let him into her heart like she’d done before.

Lucas, by the way, had dropped Anna home because… well, basically, I think he was a little scared at the way she was coming on to him. He told her he wasn’t going to have sex again until he was in love because of past experiences – but we can now safely smile and say he wanted to wait until he and Brooke were in love again. Yes, that’s the truth, don’t try and deny it.

So anyway, Brooke’s sitting alone on the beach, wondering just where she’d gone wrong. I mean, Felix was hot as hell and it was only a bit of fun – but Mouth was supposed to be her friend and instead they’d both had hurt her. So when Lucas comes up to her, I guess he’s the last person she wants to see since he was the first person to have hurt her so deeply. Remember, this is like, what? A month after they broke up? And so Brooke’s still hurting a little from it. Even though she doesn’t really want to talk to anyone at this point, Lucas manages to coax it out of her and giving us one of the greatest Brooke lines in history: "Why does everybody lie? You know, the bad guys lie to get in your bed… and the good guys… lie to get in your heart." She turns to Lucas as she says this and he turns away in guilt, knowing his part in all of this. He does his best to convince her that she’s not the idiot she thinks she is because she already knows who she is – while most people are afraid of others figuring it out before they do themselves.

He offers her a ride home, but she refuses trying to stick to her guns – but of course, she ends up agreeing, and when she turns to pick up her shoes, she finds Lucas’ hand extended towards her in a somewhat redeeming/apologetic gesture. Just a little sign to let her know that he doesn’t want to be the guy who once hurt her. And she takes it, in a poetic sort of forgiving way. Like, no words have to be exchanged between them as he pulls her up and they walk off slowly down the beach. It’s their own way of apologizing for all the stuff they put each other through before, and I guess we can be really insightful and say how the ocean waves are like washing away their past mistakes so they can start anew.
Which is what they end up doing because after Lucas treats Brooke to breakfast, he drops her off home and she tells him that they should be friends. Lucas smiles and nods, "I’d like that," he says… and at home, we Masochists are saying the exact same thing. Season 2, episode 9 was definitely a landmark in rebuilding the Brooke/Lucas friendship, and giving us the first spark of something so much more.

I’m guessing by this time, a lot of us were really frustrated and our hope was dwindling, right? Because after a whole season, Brooke and Lucas were still playing games which had suddenly gone downhill thanks to a series of events that we’ll just blame on… well, everyone on the damn show. A lot of us were actually very close to throwing out our TVs after that WB promo but thank god we didn’t.

Brooke and Lucas were both feeling like crap at this point. Their once flirty and harmless games quickly snowballed into almost breaking them apart permanently. See, Lucas was the one angry and hurt this time and so sick of having put his feelings for her on the line for it to be thrown back in his face, while Brooke was the one scrambling to apologize and just get Lucas to talk to her so she can explain – but he’s having none of it. He’s hurt, really bad. He even deletes her number from his phone! Oh noes! And when she meekly creeps into his room, he’s determined to show her how much he’s hurting. They argue and bring up… well, some pretty bad stuff and it really honestly looks like there’s not going to be a way to redeem any of this when he turns away and rejects her apology.
Until Brooke finally gives it one last shot and hands him the 82 letters she wrote to him all summer. Her speech is so heartbreakingly beautiful. She honestly thinks that she’s ruined their chances and this is her last ditch effort to show him just how much she cares.

Brooke leaves in tears and then Lucas does the best thing ever and chases after her and forgives her. Though she wonders how he could forgive her for what she’s done, he’s adamant to give it to her. He’s the guy for her! And he knows he hurt her last time but—She loves him! She manages to say through her sobs. He gives her this little grin and tells her that he loves her too… pretty girl. He reaches out and touches her cheek and I think we all just died when they closed the gap between them and the camera slowly panned out on the couple. Of course, it wasn’t over, we had that cute 3 second scene of the two of them making up in bed. Just slow, tender kisses that were the culmination of a season’s worth of pain, heartache, glances and touches.

I just noticed the title of the episode. Hello foreshadowing. Anyway, season 4 began with Lucas and Brooke breaking up and even though they didn’t break up on the best of terms, Lucas still wanted to be with her. I honestly believe that she wanted to be with Lucas too but she also knew that she couldn’t be with him because she knew he’d break her heart eventually and that was something she thought she could prevent by giving him up.
Brooke gave Lucas up and remained hostile towards him simply for the reason that she was afraid of getting too close again and getting hurt. After all, isn’t it better to hate him than love him and see him with somebody else? So they go back and forth with apologies and snide comments and we all cry and have our heart broken all over again. Then Brooke and Lucas have no scenes or don’t mention each other for the longest time. Until 4.08 where Brooke asks Lucas to the dinner thing (Rachel calls it a rebound from Nick but we know the truth because Nick? Mark S, you fail!) and he agrees and is actually excited about something, proving that he still wants to be with Brooke and he’s jazzed she asked him. And the night ends with Brooke and Lucas randomly calling their relationship meaningless (WTF? Because a season and a half of buildup and then half a season of ‘you’re the one for me’ ‘I’m the guy for you’ ‘I love you’ mean nothing, right? FAIL again Mark!) but ending on good terms. Except it’s not really perfect terms because Lucas is totally bummed and so is Brooke.
Then this episode happens. This episode that was probably one of the best episodes of the lackluster season (and we can blame the lack of BL on that), signifies a change in their relationship. All of those who thought 4.08 was the end of their relationship were proven wrong. This is the real end of their relationship and the start of their friendship.

Before you cry, listen to why this is good. Brooke finds out that Lucas chose her to be the one standing next to him when all his dreams came true and it’s true (kinda) because she’s the first one we see by his side when he sinks that winning shot. They greet each other with huge smile and hug and then she does the most amazing thing in the world. She gives him away. Ever heard of the saying: if you love someone, set them free? Well that’s what Brooke does. And she does it freely, happily and with everything in her heart. Above everything she wants Lucas to be happy and if being with Peyton is going to make him happy, she’s going to let him be with Peyton. Lucas had never given us an indication since season 2 that he ever wanted to be with Peyton but Brooke gives him his blessing that if he does want to be with her, he can. He does try to protest but she knows him too well and she gives him a loving look and tells him that it’s okay, because it really is okay, and watches him go. It’s a bittersweet moment for Brooke. She’s watching the love of her life be with somebody else at the happiest moment of his life but he’s happy, and that makes her happy. And even though it signals the end of their relationship, it opens the doors for them to become friends again. Wouldn’t we all prefer to have the two as friends instead of trading insults? The episode nine rule still rings true for Brooke and Lucas. Episode 9, good or bad, will always have a deep meaning for their relationship and friendship. Besides, from here, it can only get better.

Thanks to the lovely Tej for her episode NINE views.
“That day on the beach, I felt something special too,
but I felt more. I felt as if we were…connected somehow.
As if we were being pulled together. As if we belonged
together.” || adam conantcassie blake

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