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Old 10-18-2008, 04:57 AM
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Well, I sure as hell didn't think I'd ever cry for Abby, back when she first appeared in S6. But she slowly grew on me and her friendship with Neela helped a lot, which is why I hate that Neela didn't get to give her (second) best friend a proper goodbye. I know, Abby would've hated a long teary goodbye... but still.

I loved Morris in this ep. I thought it was brilliant how long it took him to understand what was up with Abby. Hehe.

The other brilliant thing was seeing Abby showing her love for the ER, for the hospital and for its people, by standing up for herself, for Sam and the kid. The wall thing was lovely and emotional but what got me, besides the Abby/Neela parts, was Abby's last talk with Sam. Because it was coming full circle, when you see all the things Abby went through since she began as a nurse.... It was a beautiful scene.

and yay for Luka coming back for his woman!
Sookie: No matter how furious I got with Eric, I was happier when I was with him.
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