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Old 10-13-2008, 10:39 PM
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Joined: Sep 2008
Posts: 88
Jesse and Amanda? Well, he's got the right face, but most of Mandy's fatal attractions wear really nice clothes, she'd have to be desperate. It has been a while, and all we've seen of Jesse is him returning her necklace and her umbrella. So, he likes having her stuff and giving it back, that means he likes her, right?

I think Henry's getting a seriously bad rap, though. Betty is the same sort of kind helper that he is, and her inability to stand up to Daniel affected their relationship as much as his inability to stand up to Charlie. It wasn't about him being bad or wrong for her, he just had to choose his family over New York, and Betty wasn't prepared to make the same choice. She might have been happy - they shared a lot of jokes, liked the same emo, and had a lot in common, and she got that feeling he was the one a lot. But she told her mom's headstone she wanted to live for herself first, and Henry can't be expected to put his life on hold until she's been all she could be on her own. Any more than Walter could.

Gio being angry with her? Could be something that makes things impossible for them, but it could also be an ingenious way to avoid casting him a disposable girlfriend.
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