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Old 10-05-2008, 11:01 PM
Miss Bass
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Originally Posted by sendtherain (View Post)
I doubt the word "seduce" will even be uttered by Chuck or Blair. It'll probably be about gaining V's trust and then making her feel like crap.

And because it's Chuck Bass, we all know the only way he knows how to speak to anyone is by employing techniques of seduction.
It's the official episode summary and it says Blair entices Chuck to 'seduce' Vanessa so I'm pretty sure Blair is gonna ask him to actually seduce her while seducing him herself. The summaries have never lied or deceived before, not from what I can remember

And tbh the buying the bar thing could very well work out in the seducing process. Both Sebastian Valmont and the dude from 'She is all That' did something for the virgin/loser girl (the old ppl's home and the art show) as part of their process of seduction.

Besides if I'm gonna sit through a lame-o plot I may as well get some Ed/Jess yummy-ness.
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