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Old 10-04-2008, 08:38 AM
Farscape One
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Joined: Sep 2008
Posts: 42
Perhaps she wanted Claire to look back on that moment and truly understand her real motivations... or more to the point, admit to herself what her real motivations are.

Sometimes, you have to look back on something, even a horrible moment in your life, more than once to really understand it and yourself.

I think it goes back to something I heard a long time ago... doing the right thing for the wrong reasons is still wrong. If she goes off being a hero for the wrong reasons, she might end up doing more harm than good. By being able to admit to others, and more importantly herself, her real motivations, she has taken a step in the right direction in helping herself.

Because was right about one thing... you have to save yourself before you can save others.
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