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Old 09-18-2008, 05:32 PM
Fan Forum Star

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Joined: Sep 2004
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So we have a date! The day after Christmas. Yay.

[Live Review] Coldplay - Globe Theatre, Stockholm, Sweden (18th September 2008)

The second of two concerts at Stockholm's Globe Theatre. Again, no 'Glass Of Water' tonight, but Chris played the opening parts to Amsterdam for the first time since November 2005. More on this concert here onwards [thanks melanieau & Starlight Chaser]

Unconfirmed setlist:

Life In Technicolor
Violet Hill
In My Place
Speed Of Sound
Cemeteries Of London
Chinese Sleep Chant
Fix You
Strawberry Swing
God Put A Smile Upon Your Face (techno version)
Talk (partial - techno version)
The Hardest Part (piano - Chris)
Postcards From Far Away (piano instrumental)
Viva La Vida
The Scientist (acoustic)
Death Will Never Conquer (acoustic - Will singing)
Viva La Vida (remix interlude)
Lovers In Japan
Death And All His Friends
The Escapist

[photos] [videos] [wiki setlist/reviews] (updated over the next 24 hours)

They (or Chris to be exact) played the opening parts of Amsterdam! Jesus, I think I've died and gone to heaven. That could have been one of the best moments of my life. Amazing gig, slightly better than yesterday due to already mentioned fact. I'm holding my fingers crossed for an even better - if that is even possible - show in Oslo tomorrow. [coldplayer]

We only got one extra song while they got three last night. Bummer but it was great otherwise! Mumsy's nose begs to disagree as the person to her left and the one in front of her both badly needed an introduction to soap, water and deo. [blog]

[Oxfam Blog] Strawberry swing.. inside a giant golf ball

Let me explain that title. I don’t want you to think that the tiredness and cool Scandinavian air has made me start to hallucinate. Coldplay are on stage now, playing ‘Strawberry Swing’, in Globen (The Globe), Stockholm, Sweden, which happens to look like a giant golf ball. See.. I wasn’t making it up. It’s been a while since I wrote. So let me just say… ‘Wow!’

1426 more Coldplay fans, like you and I, have made Oxfam’s Health and Education For All pledge. That’s just tonight.. and the night is still young! This is the second night in Stockholm’s famous Globe arena (*golf ball). On the first night, Oxfam volunteers helped 905 people make the pledge. That was with only 9 volunteers! Amazing stuff. Incredibly, that gives Oxfam a total of 2401, in two nights in Sweden. 2401 people who care about giving everyone, everywhere, access to good quality health care. To well trained nurses. The chance to go to school and learn, for a more sustainable future. Access to clean water and sanitation. Basic things that people need to survive, to be free from poverty, and to prosper.

I think that’s truly inspiring. Coldplay are out there at the moment, inspiring people with their music (the walls are shaking, it must be ’Politik’). I want to thank them for inviting us to involve their fans in Oxfam’s work around the world.

Read the full blog at the Oxfam Blog website here

The Oracle Speaks On 'God Put A Smile Upon Your Face'... Techno Version

More questions answered by The Oracle...

September 18, 2008 - submitted by Zac, United States of America
Q. Will we ever be able to download the techno version of "God put a smile upon your face" that they played in their concert?
The Oracle replies:
Right now there isn't a recorded version of this song. At original rehearsals for the shows, the track wasn't given the techno treatment - I prefer to say it was given an '80's overhaul. At the moment it's performed on what is known as Stage B, which has also seen many changes. The most notable being that Will ditched a traditional drum kit for an electric one. This lends itself to this interpretation of GPAUYF well.

Noel Gallagher: "Coldplay Think Too Much"

In a recent reader Q&A for US magazine Blender, the ever-quotable Oasis star Noel Gallagher [pictured] was also far from reticent with regard to his feelings about Radiohead and Coldplay.

He said, "Radiohead and Coldplay think too much. They get to a certain level and start worrying about the environment. That's for the governments of the world to worry about. We need to concentrate on ****ing women, taking drugs, wearing sunglasses and being cool. Never mind the polar bears."

And on Coldplay's close friend Jay-Z covering Wonderwall at Glastonbury: "It was pretty funny. But I'm not sure one should be seen in public with a white Stratocaster."
Why is Noel Gallagher still doing interviews? Does anybody care?

Canada: Metallica Fall Short Of Coldplay Target

Metallica's new album "Death Magnetic" captivated a lot of music buyers this week. The band's critically acclaimed new effort soared to the top of the Canadian album charts this week, selling 81,000 copies in its debut, according to Nielsen SoundScan data, report today.

It marks the second best debut of the year, right behind Coldplay's "Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends", which racked up 90,000 copies when it was released in June. However, Metallica hit those numbers on just a three-day sales window -- the album was out last Friday to accommodate a worldwide release date. They also grabbed the No. 1 spot south of the border, selling 490,000 copies of "Death Magnetic" in the U.S.

In the Canadian album chart, the "Mamma Mia" soundtrack, Coldplay's "Viva La Vida," and Slipknot's "All Hope is Gone" all remained at No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4, respectively.

[Blog Review] Coldplay @ Globe Theatre, Stockholm, Sweden (first night)

Last night Mia and I, and her old swimming friends Ida and Anna went to Globen Arena (incidentally, we live right next door), and saw Coldplay. I'm a casual Coldplay fan at best, and generally don't even listen to them unless someone else puts them on. Sometimes I think it's a bit gay to be a Coldplay fan, no? Last night was not gay.

Ida and Anna came over around 6pm, and since we only had a two minute walk to the Globen (which, resembles and enormous white golf ball), we had some dinner first. I prepared the finest curry I've ever eaten, and redeemed myself for my lackluster effort at Mia's friend's house the week before with Ryan. They girls supplied some wine. The three of them chatted in incomprehensible Swedish while I lounged on the couch looking at photos from New Zealand and wishing I could go back there, like now.

The one and half glasses of red wine I drank merely put me in somber, sleepy mood, and I spent the first half hour of the opening act (who happened to be the drummer from the Strokes - pretty sweet), yawning my brains out. As usual, there was about a 45 minutes delay between sets, and Coldplay finally came out around 9:30. Someone, Ryan maybe, or maybe Nate told me that they put on a good show - it didn't disappoint.

Chris Martin must be on speed or something, because he didn't sit still for the entire concert and was full of boundless energy. Even playing his piano he was jerking and gyrating around. The band truly looked like they were having an immense amount of fun. The songs were played with enormous energy, second only to Dave Matthews and his namesake Band in my opinion. In hindsight, it was probably the best 'stadium' concert I've ever been to. Well, maybe a close second to U2, my first concert in Philly with Nate and Dane. But anyway, it was surprisingly awesome.

And the audience was insane! They sang along to every song with remarkable clarity. During the brief intermission before the first encore, they were chanting and stomping and the whole place felt like it would cave in. Quite impressive.

At one point, the whole band ran off the stage and sprinted across the floor towards the back of the arena and proceeded to climb up the stairs to the lower level of seats, just under where we were seated. According to Martin, "We can't fly all the way to Sweden and not come visit the back!" They played two songs from right in the audience, and both included a harmonica.

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