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Old 09-16-2008, 04:06 PM
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I just wanna say, Nabs I get that. I personally believe Haley sent Nathan there- to Brooke. And I have this scene in my head where the four of them sat down after Brooke left and talked about it. Because they all exchanged this look. Like uhh yeah- something's not right with her. Maybe they all elected Nathan to go talk to her. Because he can related to the mom/losing your dream thing and they think that's what it's most about. And I think then when Lucas gets screen time- he'll say something like that to her. I mean, personally, if I was gonna be pissed at Lucas about anything- it'd be him not talking to Jamie. HELLO.. he's supposed to be "Keith" right? Where was the Keith in him last night? It was off camera- that's where. Plus, I think that none of us are giving Lucas any slack. He was THAT AGE when Keith was killed. By (what he thought at the time) a gunman, then he found out that it was Dan, either way- by evil. He's probably reliving that. I just think it's unfair to completely judge Lucas' reaction yet. Since we haven't really seen it.

Shaz Yeah it's hard for me to stay away. But I do try. I'm glad you're enjoying it. Last night was my favorite episode since 322. Without a doubt. I cried beginning to end.
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