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Old 09-07-2008, 08:08 PM
Loyal Fan
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Joined: Nov 2007
Posts: 1,969

Forever is what I want with you
For the search is at an end
Our hearts have found each other
As lovers, as soul mates , as friends

2008 – NY’s Dinner – PS – UO – Audi Swap – V nurses Z – HSM3 filming – Jazz/Rockets – HSM3 Press Con

Game 4 – MMAs – T&C – Airport Pick-up – Best Buy – Ash’s Bday Pool Party – TCAs – Elle – 2008

Now Playing in the Soundtrack of a Lifetime: Domestic Bliss

Between late 06, early 07 - Oblivious to anythin && everythin HSM, friend had me listen to ‘Say Ok’, instant fixture in my iPod. Saw the video && the words “they’re going out – I know it. Look at them!” escaped my mouth && I’ve never looked back. They make my jaded && fickle heart truly believe in real love. That love still exists; that chivalry, loyalty, passion, friendship, && commitment, all of it - they invoke that. They leave me speechless half the time. I truly cannot fathom the depths of their love for one another. We only get small glimpses && it leaves me in absolute awe. For one thing, I have no doubt in my mind that they've been tempted - yet, they both still look at one another with such immense love && adoration. From being relative unknowns to becoming known world-wide, to quote Usher && Alicia, “Even before, all the fame && people – screaming your name. I was there && you were my baby.” Through everything && then some with the scandal, paps, false accusations - the love is still there. If anything it’s even more evident, even deeper && more profound than it was three years ago && that is what keeps me believing. They're so protective of their personal lives. They fight for what they have && they don't give a damn otherwise. I’m just blessed that we’re able to revel in what they do chose to let slip. Plus, they’ve led to meeting some amazing people – what more could you ask for? Bee


I boarded the SS Zanessa in the year of 2007 after noticing Zac's hotness and talent just after Hairspray was released. I knew who Zac was from watching HSM with my daughters, but really didn't notice his magnetic sex appeal and true talent as a performer until after watching Hairspray and then HSM 2. What really drew me to both Zac and Vanessa as a couple was the turbulent time of the pic scandal. I was amazed at Zac's maturity and devotion to his lady. Both Zac and Vanessa impressed me beyond words with how they coped with such embarrassment and devastation. I then started to fall in love and admiration with Vanessa and realized these two beautiful souls were meant to be together forever. I continue to support them because they are unlike any young celebrities out there. I feel they are incredibly honorable and genuine in their words and actions both with their fans and each other. Their talents as entertainers are immeasurable and like a fine wine will only get better with time. Dalia

2007 was the year it all began - but it feels like a lot longer! I think I noticed them after I saw HSM for the first time. After it had finished, I was reflecting over what I'd just seen, and I tried to find what made me enjoy it so much. I quickly realised that it was the outstanding chemistry I'd witnessed between that jock and that freaky math girl - I immediately googled them to find out who they were, and found myself in the LIL threads - that's where it all began, and I've never looked back. It's the undeniable love that they share (that keeps me on the ship) - I admire them for keeping their relationship as hidden from the public as possible though it would be so easy not to, and it amazes me that all we need to see is a simple look or gesture to realise how much they truly care for each other. It shows that true love still exists, and that fate - in the form of one little made-for-TV movie - can bring two soul mates together for the beginning of the rest of their lives... Rachel


I became mildly interested in them after HSM2 premiered in 2007, but I didn't become obsessed a fan until January of 2008. I watched HSM1 by accident the weekend before HSM2 premiered. I found myself drawn to the chemistry between "Troy" and "Gabriella" and watched the movies over and over again. Over Christmas, I watched Hairspray - against my will - and my friend mentioned something about Link Larkin dating his costar from those High School movies. And I was intrigued...In December of last year, I started reading everything I could get my hands on about Zac and Vanessa. I began lurking on FF and that's where I saw the pictures at Palm Springs. I was hooked. I couldn't believe that kind of emotion could be captured on still photography...and I've happily been proved wrong again and again. Cris

2008 - I first discovered "SS Zanessa" when I stumbled upon a video of their Hawaii vacation. Watching that video and seeing love and affection practically ooze out from these two's looks and glances, I simply couldn't resist being suckered in. They showed me that love could be real, and is. They just appeared so youthful and carefree, just like kids our age should be, celebrities or not. They were like any other young couple, jumping in the waves and building sand castles. Just being themselves, just being real. I was further vortexed in when I saw a BTS video of "Everyday." You can tell how heartfelt the song is to ZV from the way they're singing to each other. The song fit them perfectly. I started watching other BTS videos and then HSM1, which further cemented my 'ship membership. Their chemistry was practically tangible, I swear I could reach out and feel the magic they were emanating from my monitor. I was officially hooked. What keeps me on the ship even to this day is the way ZV handle the pressure of Hollywood's fame and fortune. Together they trudge on through rumors and controversies, holding hands with their heads held high. The fact that a young couple of their stature in this lalaland can stay together and not be phased by the media, it's a little supernatural. Throw in the fact that they've been doing so for three years leaves me amazed and speechless. Whether these two stay together or not, I’ll forever be thankful for the brief peeks they've allowed us into their love. I hope everyone finds inspiration just like I have in these two to always LIVE IN LOVE. Stephanie


I started shipping ZV in 2006, but it was The Golden Weekend that solidified my love for them. There was just something about these two that seemed to genuine, so real, that it couldn’t possibly be just amazing acting. They seemed to radiate this incredible amount of chemistry that I couldn’t help but be drawn towards. There are many reasons why I still ship them today, but it’s the little things keep me glued to them. The way the throngs of paparazzi seem to disappear when they grin at each other. How he holds her hand protectively as they blindly make their way through the flashing lights. The way one little smile from her direction makes him smile too. It’s the fact that even though they’re constantly in the spotlight, they refuse to talk about their relationship because it’s theirs, and it’s sacred. And to find two people as in love as these two, especially at their age and in their business, who have their privacy constantly violated and have been through as many obstacles as they have… that has to be a sign of something special. Holden

It was mid-2006 when I first saw the movie on DC-Asia. And the moment, SOSN was finished, the movie and more importantly, Troy & Gabriella, captured my heart. Of course that meant going online and researching my newfound obsession and there I found 2 stars who were saying they were "just friends" but their body language and actions clearly show that they were more. And I was fascinated. In my quest to find out everything I can about the HSM stars, I stumbled upon the "the making of HSM" and saw Zac & Vanessa with their arms around each other and Zac coming from behind and lifting Vanessa. Their chemistry was palpable and they were flirting like mad with each other. From that moment on, they became my number one 'ship. Funny enough, a friend I met through ZF asked me this about a month ago. She asked why the fascination still since we already know that they're going out and the thrill of investigation and espionage to decipher little clues are long gone. I guess it’s more than just the excitement of breaking the 'Zanessa code', although that in itself was so much fun back in the old days. now, the fascination lies in being privileged enough to watch them continue to live in love, and as most pictures have shown us, go through life in matching strides, hand in hand. awesome!Kat

My Zanessa compulsion first began out of boredom and curiosity. Having recently watched High School Musical, and finding the chemistry of the main pairing intriguing, I randomly typed ‘Troyella’ into YouTube…only to stumble upon several entries for ‘Zanessa.’ That must have been a year and a half-ago. Flash-forward to another bored afternoon where I poked my head into the Zac FF and began a successful run of lurking; my compulsion gradually growing until we reached Palm Springs. After this amazing event, where their incomparable love for one another was inescapable, I had no option but to hold my hands up in defeat: I was an addict. After the 300th BF thread I decided to fully embrace my compulsion: because over the course of a year and a half of keeping in touch with the Zanessa news, I didn’t grow bored of it; in fact, I grew more interested and more in awe of this couple…

How many couples meet when they are 16/17/18 only to fall madly in love and survive numerous extended periods of separations? Not many. Add constant attention, pressure from the media and the industry, numerous other temptations and it is easy, in my view, to see precisely why Zanessa are so special. It is not that they have simply ‘survived’ these difficulties; but that their relationship has evolved and blossomed in spite of these roadblocks. And that is why I am going to continue supporting and admiring and most importantly fangirling over them! Kate

Art by Kristen(kridrules)

Fan Appreciation

Someone once said that: "The energy born of love is creative. It makes everything it touches new. To see how passionate you are, look around at what you have created." It speaks volumes for the nature of the love between Zac and Vanessa that they touch people to the extent that they have…they haven’t just produced smiles from their observers, or inspired fan fictions and videos and arts, but they have created threads like this one; where friendship and mutual respect blossom... Kate

300th Fan Fiction: Love of a Lifetime
By Chelli
Note: You must be a Registered Member of MiM in order to read

His thoughts were pulled back to the large leather binder resting in his lap. His fingers gently traced over the engraving on the front as he thought of Vanessa nervously chewing her lip when she gave it to him the previous Christmas. He couldn’t even imagine the amount of time she had spent compiling the album, carefully selecting pictures and memories that epitomized their relationship together. Every page was filled with precious moments they had shared; some privately and some much too publicly for his liking. This album represented ten of the most amazing years of his life and gave him a glimpse at all the happiness that was to come…

Art by Sam(

Art by Kristen(kridrules)

Art by Sydney(alias_charmed)

300th Video: Zanessa Evolution
By mod!Kat

R e c e n t S i g h t i n g s

The Live In Love Official Listing

To be added, please PM BrendaSaysHi or Less Than Perfect

With Graditude…

This thread is by no means the work of just one person; if it
was and that person was me, all you would see is a big blank OP
with the words "Welcome to the 300th – Enjoy!" written on it!
Instead there were a number of very talented and generous people
working with me to ensure that the 300th thread on the V board
lived up to all landmark threads past. These people actually
volunteered to help – and I owe them my sanity. So without further
ado, my most heartfelt thanks goes out to…

Cris – who sparked the concept to begin with.

awesome!Kat – my brainstorming buddy, whose PB and OCD
helped get together everything for the scrapbook artwork. Seriously
without her more than half of what you see in the OP would not be

gayle. – the creator of what I refer to as the "anchor" artwork –
those beautiful scrapbook montages. I bless the day awesome!Kat
suggested you for this project.

The Soundtrack Peeps: Bee, Molly and Nikka – To Bee for organizing
all the songs, and to Molly and Nikka for providing the artwork to showcase
the lyrics and ZV appropriate pics on.

mod!Kat - video-maker extraodinaire! You are made of awesomeness
and that video is 11 minutes of pure ZV goodness!

Chelli - for her great story that some way, somehow, without her even
knowing the full concept wrote a fic that fit this thread and theme completely.
Kismet FTW!

The Artmakers: Kristen, Sydney and Sam – You make the thread
so sighworthy with your beautiful pretties! Kristen, a special thanks to
you for the beautiful opening banner.

The Icon Makers: Angel, Cris, Molly and Nikka: – Variety is the spice
of life and you provided us with plenty of celebratory pretties in a
100 x 100 box!

My Shady Crew: awesome!Kat, Bee, Cris, Molly and Nikka – Without
you guys I just might have curled up in a corner and died. Wasn't it fun
popping up abandoned threads all in the name of testing?

And lastly To the Posters on All Live in Love Threads – especially
those whose answers you see above. 200 words is (obviously) not
enough of a limit to describe with justice how and why we appreciate
Vanessa and Zac as we do. But your responses, however brief or long-winded,
speak nothing but the truth and I loved seeing all of the reasons why I'm
here represented in one way or another.

Previous Threads
310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319

Their f o r e v e r has just begun…


32.7 Miles♥♡♥♡♥LZVE
fierce ZV icon by me
600 threads & counting!
TOTALLY a member of the "I'd go gay for V club"!

Last edited by kridrules; 09-07-2008 at 08:13 PM
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