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Old 09-07-2008, 08:07 PM
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Joined: Nov 2007
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LiL (Vanessa ♥ Zac) 320 ~b/c she'd go through hell just to see him

Vanessa Hudgens ♥ Zachary Efron
Appreciation Thread

ap•pre•ci•a•tion [ ə preeshee áysh'n ] (plural ap•pre•ci•a•tions)
1. gratefulness: a feeling or expression of gratitude
2. positive opinion: a favorable opinion of something
3. valuing something highly: recognition and liking of something's qualities
4. statement of praise: a written or spoken statement of somebody's qualities
5. full understanding: a full understanding of the meaning and importance of something
6. growth in value: an increase in value, especially over time

What better word to define 300 threads and counting devoted to the celebration of our favorite couple’s journey in their lifetime of love? That’s over 90,000 posts (over 93,000 if you factor in the dreaded decimal threads!) that at some point or another captured each and every meaning of the word “appreciation” and applied it to Vanessa and Zac. We are GRATEFUL that they provide such a stellar example of true love’s existence. The maturity with which they handle their decisions, both individually and together, continues to foster our POSITIVE OPINION of both of them. We VALUE HIGHLY each subtle gesture, piercing glance and the occasional direct quote. We PRAISE their ability to give us more examples of ____!sex than any couple before or since. No matter when we became a ku’uipo, we FULLY UNDERSTAND that what Vanessa and Zac share is all the more precious because it’s a real example to live by. And with each passing year we are privileged to witness and squee over how they’ve GROWN TO VALUE each other, falling more in love day by day.

So as we commemorate this landmark 300th appreciation thread at the Vanessa Anne Hudgens board, we remember what brought us all here in the first place, and what keeps us sticking around…To Vanessa and Zac – Live in Love!

Art by Kristen(kridrules)

This journey was started long ago
Before this time and place
The journey of completeness
As two hearts and souls embrace

2005 - Auditions for HSM - Filming for HSM in SLC, Utah - On set "Club Nights" - The "Zac Cam"

Ashley's 21st Birthday Party - HSM Press Breakfast - A Suite Life New Year's Eve Party - 2005

Now Playing in the Soundtrack of a Lifetime: The Flirtatous Phase

2005/2006 - I fell in love with HSM, the chemistry with the cast. Zac & Vanessa hooked me from The Golden Weekend. London put me overboard. They make me believe in true love. Jill


It seems like only yesterday, that I was watching the countdown to High School Musical, I didn’t know any of the people in the film but I was so tempted to see it. As the movie began, I fell in love with the characters, the innocence of Gabriella, the sprit of Troy, and the familiarities I saw with each character that reminded me of someone. But the number one thing that captured me to this movie was the chemistry, passion, and love shared between these two characters. I instantly knew from the first note they sang together that these two had something more than meets the eye. Then came England, where the two joined hands, it was a simple act, but the smiles on there faces, proved Zanessa to me. I guess I continue to be a Zanessa lover because they exemplify true love, with every glance, with every touch, with every kiss, Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens show the true value of soul mates. Haily

If my memory serves me right, I first boarded the SS Zanessa in mid 2006. I fondly recall being mesmerized with the Breaking Free video when I came across it one day in Disney Channel. Living in Asia meant that HSM premiered months after it was shown in the US so there were already torrents available. Being the impatient person that I am, I downloaded it and voila my fondness of Troyella and HSM began. I started shipping Zanessa when I came across a fanfic with the ZF forum link and seeing all the BTS videos and various pics from different events got me hooked. I really felt the undeniable chemistry between Zac and Vanessa even though they were just “best friends” then. Even after more than two years of shipping them, they still have that unique spark and they still manage to make my heart lurch. Their relationship gives me hope that there is indeed true love despite the harsh realities of life. Seeing them so in love uplifts my mood, de-stresses me and just gives me a natural high. Angel


It was around April 2007 - After watching HSM for the first time, the chemistry between ZV was so strong and they made such a beautiful couple that I decided to go online and see if my intuition about them had some real basis. And that's when I found this thread. I knew I had been right when I saw the pictures, and “Say Ok” and just everything else!! They might not have admitted it by then, but soon afterwards we got Hawaii and well… there was no need to further prove what was obviously clear! Wow! So many things (keep me on the ship)! I suppose the first is just what their being together stands for… the possibility of a true love-filled relationship in a time when real beautiful things are hard to come across. In a world where everything seems fake or contrived they are the exception. The way they look at each other even after three years together shows just how much they value and love one another. They have been together throughout all of the amazing adventure that catapulted them into fame, and it has only made them closer and stronger as a couple. Special things are worth treasuring and protecting; what Zac and Vanessa have couldn't be more special... and they know it. Anne

2006 (the debut of the ever popular DCOM High School Musical) - The first time I saw them as Troy & Gabriella, my whole demeanor towards love changed. It was like “That’s what True Love is. Right there.” And as the films kept coming, the love grew and you could certainly see it on screen. The thing that keeps me hooked is the constant good things I hear about them. They don’t like the spotlight as a couple, but when they come out together, the results are magical. Even when it the simplest of times, like innocently going to get a smoothie, or huge times at award shows. They are completely smitten with each other. Besotted. And that is why I love them, because they are real. Jemma


While I had always though the pictures of ZV were cute, I dont think I fully boarded the SS Zanessa until Spring of 2007. The thing that fully made me a fan of Zanessa was the interview Vanessa did with a radio station in DC while she was filming HSM2. The interview was adorable with her giggling at every mention of Zac. The DJ kept telling her not to touch his ass and she couldn’t stop laughing. Then of course we got the Hawaii pictures which fully put me in the Kuuipo column. Seeing their adorableness in pictures was enough to keep me on the ship...T&C pics anyone!!! However, I think it was seeing them in person this summer that will forever keep me on their ship. They were just adorable. Seeing Zac's arm around Vanessa and GF keeping her hand on his thigh. Seeing Zac give GF a kiss on the cheek when she won Choice Hottie. And finally seeing them smile like there is no tomorrow without the other when they look at each other. Carrie

I first boarded the SS Zanessa in the year of 2006. And I’m proud to say they are and always will be my OTP. I first took note of them in promotions for High School Musical. After I saw the movie and various pictures of them together, I just fell in love with Zanessa. Their chemistry was indescribable. No amount of words could’ve depicted what they had. I still ship Zanessa to this day because they give me hope for finding true love. They still look at each other the same way they did three years ago. I love the fact that you can compare a picture of them from 2005, and one from 2008, and you'll see that they both are still in love with each other, if not even more. You rarely ever see that in real life, much less in Hollywood. They have had so many obstacles against them. But they still survived. And with that example, I know that I’ll be able find what they have with someone else. Hell, if what they have isn't true love, then I don't want to find true love. I want exactly what they have. Michelle


2007 - I was on break reading Us Weekly and saw a picture of them from Hawaii. My first reaction was “so this was THE popular duo from High School Musical. They must be filming the sequel in Hawaii.” After I saw the Hawaii pics, it made me want to give HSM a chance as oppose to just hearing about it from my little cousins. I didn’t understand the buzz and hype surrounding this movie. But then came the karaoke duet - ‘The Start of Something New’ - Troy singing to Gabriella almost flirting with her. She pulls away but is pushed back. The gaze, the chemistry, they got me. I had a moment of clarity - clearly, those Hawaii pics were more than just scenes from a movie. As the closing credits to HSM started to roll, I immediately went online and just got hooked. I love the fact they’re protective of each other and that they don’t use their relationship to promote their careers. They’re there for each other when it counts and are each other’s #1 fan. Chel

Art by Sydney (alias_charmed)

32.7 Miles♥♡♥♡♥LZVE
fierce ZV icon by me
600 threads & counting!
TOTALLY a member of the "I'd go gay for V club"!
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