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Old 09-04-2008, 02:34 AM
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I'm glad that Angela and Hodgins have broken up. And before anyone starts throwing anything at me let me explain. In a show like this, if they were together it might be ruined. The writers on this show are very good, but this happens a lot and it is possible. This is one of the reasons that the writers haven't put Booth and Bones together is because the tension/build up is the best part. So this way they get to fall into an even deeper love this way. So I still very much believe that they will get their happily ever after. Though I did loved Cam and Sweets reaction to Angela's ex. And I love how he called Hodgins the little angry man.

I love Sweets and am so happy he's a regular now. That actor has grown up so much, I remember how small he was on Freeks and Geeks. Him falling over and landing on his face was great. I love his story about the toy and his face when he realize his neighbor was in love with him. And he was adorable with wanting to touch the brain. I love how he's so smart, but such a kid at the same time. He's like Zach, but a more grown up society adapted version of him in a way, but also his own person. If that makes any sense at all.

I love Booth and Bones working with their British counterparts. But I have to say that Booth was a bit of a jerk how he was behaving in England. It just felt like he was playing a stereotype of how they see us Americans. Rude, brass, bossy, and not caring about their traditions and culture. It just took him a bit to adapt to their cultures. I loved him saying sorry to the guard about his sister. In the second part he was being back to the Booth I know and love. Though I did love his rant in the street because he couldn't understand the driving. I'm sure I would have done the same thing, though I don't know if I would have screamed at the top of my lungs.

To be fair to Booth some of the British characters were just as annoying like the guy who headbutted Booth. Seriously I know the FBI badge had no power over there. But you don't physically attack a person with a badge, it's just a bad stupid idea. And who headbutts, it leaves you open to attacks if it doesn't go as planned. Using your leg or fist I would think would be a much better approach.

I'm glad that Bones didn't sleep with Ian, I think she did it not only for Booth, but for herself as well. I don't think Bones would have been happy being a notch in his bedpost. But then again they were both adults and they would see each other randomly. So I guess they would behave the same way, they were before they had sexual relations. because the infatuation hadn't worn off if they had been around each other for longer periods of time.

I also think that Booth was looking out for her not just because of her feelings for her, but because he is her close friend and doesn't want her to be just any other woman that Ian would go after.

I think Pritch was in love with Ian and in his own way he cared for her. But he was too much in love with the chase of women. And she understood this so she took happiness in what he could give her. He was probably more true to her than any other woman. I mean he was most honest and giving of himself to her. They were partners after all, sometimes there are things that your partner knows about you that your loves ones don't. I love how Pritch picked up on that there is something between Booth and Bones. And she encourage Bones to pursue Booth and what could come from taking that route.

I have to say there is something that bugged me about this episode. This probably comes from my love of the series Jeeves and Wooster, a funny show about the adventures of a gentleman and his valet. Hugh Laurie, of House fame was the gentleman, Bertie Wooster and Stephen Fry, who was Booth's shrink when he shot the clown played the valet Jeeves.

Anyway what I was saying is a gentleman's gentleman is a valet not a butler. Butlers are usually in charge of the entire house. While the valet caters to the interests of only one of the gentlemen of the house. It was basically pulling on the old cliche joke that the butler did the crime. Now the writers might have planned for the character to be a butler, but they shouldn't have used the line a gentleman's gentleman. I guess they could say that he acted as both, but a house that size and they are definitely rich enough that they would have a complete staff of servants to tend to the house. Nothing like in the old times, but also with modern updates, I doubt they would need as many. I love how Booth made the remark about him asking to take Booth's hat. And the butler brought back with the line a gentleman would have worn a hat.

I think a good start to a good season.
Ivan Checkov: I am Ivan Checkov, and you will be closing now.
Murphy: Checkov? Well, this here's McCoy. We find a Spock, we got us an away team.
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