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Old 08-27-2008, 02:34 AM
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Episode 6.01 - "Touch Me I'm Going to Scream Pt. 1"
Written by: Mark Schwahn & Directed by: Stuart Gillard

It appears that at least part of the episode will pick up right from the finale.
Credit: Anonymous (posted by Rebecca)

If correct, in the premiere the dreams Lucas has with each girl will be in the beginning of the episode. He will celebrate the first wedding anniversary with each of them and you will see some differences in the dreams. His dreams will start with Brooke then continue with Peyton and then the last one will be with Lindsey.
Don't kill me if things turn out wrong I am just the messenger but I can't see a reason why this person would lie.
Credit: nine @ TWOP

I just got back from downtown and got to see filming BL scenes so I thought I'd share or basically confirm. Brooke and Lucas get out of a cab in NY and walk to what looks like a hotel entrance. There Lucas and Brooke kiss goodbye and the scene ended. They were also holding hands the whole time. Don't get your hopes up too much, I believe its a dream sequence. They set up the hotel right next to c/b but you don't see Brooke's store. Its a good scene for you all...they kiss on the lips and look to be in love. He was wearing a suit, him and Sophia were formal. The BL kiss is not a peck.
Credit: Taylor (TSOneTreeHillz)

Just heard Brooke had roses in their scene. I'm assuming they're from Luke.
Credit: Adrienne (ILoveMeSomeBrucas)

I didn't really see much. They were in NYC together and Brooke like walks away and Lucas jogs up to her with the red roses in hand and gives them to her. They started off behind something and all I saw was Sophia walking off to her right and Lucas coming up from behind her with the roses in hand. That's all I saw unfortunately =\ They kinda just cut after he runs up to her with them. But I did hear there was a Brucas kiss filmed earlier in the day..... [BL kiss to be confirmed]
Credit: nbitterbid@othforums

So I just got back from Wilmy and I saw filming and it was a Brucas scene. They were suppose to be in New York and they get out of a cab and he walks her to a door and THEY KISS! Brucas filmed three scenes together and they were flirting the entire time.

(About the kiss) I didn't actually see it but their hairstylist was talking to us. She said they just filmed one by the River Court.
Credit: othfan123 @

In the P and B dreams there are flowers. There aren't flowers in the L dream. I think that that signifies the original triangle. In the P and L dreams theres a kiss scripted and there isn't one scripted in the B dream. But the B dream is the only dream in which I love yous are exchanged.
Credit: Corey (BrucasplusNaley)

There was a scene filmed with all the cast members that day too. It was Lucas sitting there with the three photos of the girls and everyone says something like "Pick one," "Come on Luke, pick a girl," and stuff like that.
Credit: nbetterbid @

Lucas' final dream: He is sitting at a card table and the dealer deals him three cards. We see Lindsey's face on one card, Brooke's on another's and Peyton's on the third one. Luke gives each one flowers. The dealer tells him he can only make one choice. Just as Lucas reaches for a card, we see him wake up from his dream at the airport...
Credit: Rebecca

Lucas doesn't wake up to Peyton walking towards him. He wakes up has a short conversation with Gus, calls, has a longer conversation with Gus.. which ends in Peyton standing there and he turns around and sees her because Gus points her out after he says that it looks like he made the right choice. No one should be mad at Gus. What he says during the dream doesn't really matter. As he says much of nothing during the dream. But he says something in real time.. that can be taken good for us. If we're listening closely enough. And then he says it looks like you made the right choice. And then elaborates.. He never says anything that's bad for us when he says the reason why she's the right choice. And he never says anything good for LP when he says why.
Credit: Corey (BrucasplusNaley)

After the call-
Gus: you getting married, huh?
Lucas: I don't know. I hope so. We'll see if she shows up.
GUS: She'll show. I want to tell you something, young man. It's the most important thing there is: Love. Find the right person to spend your life with.
Lucas: I know I made the right choice
GUS: Yeah, that's where they get you. Thinking you got a choice. Love finds you, son. You don't find love. Got a little to do with destiny and fate and what's written in the stars. And a lot to do with the simple fact that most women are just a hlluva lot smarter than us. and wily. Your sorry butt never had a chance.
Gus CHUCKLES again... Gus: But if you need to believe you had a choice in the matter, I'd say you made a good one.
Lucas: whys that?
Gus: Well for one thing...she showed up
Credit: Corey (BrucasplusNaley)

There is a scene very early in the sixth season premiere where Skills and Brooke are in bed acting romantic. (Yes, I said Skills and Brooke, so what do you think? Dream? Names changed to hide other identities?) We see a wedding ring on "Brooke's" finger, and then we see "Skills" turn over to her and call her "wifey".
Credit: Rebecca

Samantha goes into Clothes over Bros and tries to steal something then Brooke grabs here arm. Samantha pushes Brooke down and runs out. Samantha looks like a 14 year old. She is thin with long brown hair and cute.
Credit: Taylor (TSOneTreeHillz)

Yes.. BH do have a scene in 601. It's about Sam (Brooke thinks Haley would know who she was because Haley's at the high school on a daily basis), then they start to talk about Victoria.. then Peyton not coming home.. then Brooke gets a text- from Peyton. And Haley gets one from Lucas at the same time- same words. They end the scene assuming that LP are together but not know what they're doing since basically the text just says "Don't Worry I'm okay"
It's the only BH scene.
Credit: Corey (BrucasplusNaley)

We are at clothes over bros and we saw Milli and Brooke's mom. Sophia is also filming at C/B right now with Daphne and Lisa.
The next scene was with Brooke & Millicent and the new character Sam. In this scene it look as though Sam stole something from the store and Millicent and Brooke confronted her. Then Sam tried to leave with the piece of clothing that she put in her bag and Brooke grabbed it out of her bag. We couldn't see what Brooke did next but it look like they almost fought cause Millicent went towards them like she tried to break it up.
The next scene was at night but they put tarps up on all the windows and we couldnt see…all we know that it was a behind the counter shot.
The last scene we saw was Brooke being robbed. That was why they needed a stunt double for Brooke. We haven't figured out who the person robbing her was, it wasn't that Sam girl cause she was really small and the person robbing her was huge and it had to be a guy. Some people we talked to said they saw nanny Carrie walking around downtown but it couldn't have been her, the robber had to be a guy.
From what we could see there was no one else in the store with her at the time. They first used Sophia when the robber grabbed Brooke and motioned to throw her on the ground and she screamed. Then they cut and used the stunt to throw on the ground...but we never saw anyone else in the store with her, but that doesn't mean that there wasn't anyone else hiding in the back or something. From what it looked like Brooke really didn't have a chance to fight back cause she was on her way out when the guy barged in the front door an grabbed her.
That's the last scene they filmed and they ended with him throwing her on the ground. They might film an additional scene a different day but I know they wrapped after was also really late too so maybe they were all tired, but that was what they ended with.
Credit: mandylh72590 @

Someone with connections to the show told me some tidbits for the premiere episode and how it will end.
Peyton and Lucas will not get married in Las Vegas because it is not romantic enough or a dream come true to Lucas so instead they get a rental car because Peyton as a mental picture that takes them to Los Angeles and the same hotel room as the first proposal happened in. She told me that I would laugh at how pathetic they have made Peyton look throughout the entire episode. She mentioned that Peyton would say something in the car that will make all anti-Peyton fans roll their eyes but she did not want to tell what. When in the room Peyton will tell him the same thing as she told him in the finale about her dream. She’s going to be seated in the same chair as the first time and she'll scream ‘yes, yes’ before he even has the chance to propose again which he will mention but then they will start making out.
As that scenario happen (Leyton) we move onto Brooke in her store about to lock up and when she is heading towards the door we see a man coming in attacking her all while Brooke screams. She told me that Brooke is hiding something in her store before the guy attacks her. She didn’t wanna reveal what it was but said it had something to do with her mother being back in town.
She told me the original triangle is far from over even if it might seem like Lucas has made a choice and chosen Peyton. Something said to Lucas in the premiere will stick with Lucas and make things very intriguing this season. Apparently, people who dislike the Leyton pairing will have to sit through more than a few episodes with them as a couple. But at the same time the Brooke/Lucas friendship will be there and it will continue to grow. So we should not expect the triangle to be over just because Leyton are back together in the first episode.
Credit: nine @ TWOP forum

Gus leaves the queen of hearts behind. Folded up on Lucas's chair.
They are playing cards. I don't think the girls faces are on them. I do think that each represents a girl but we are never told which is which. They are each a different suit.
The BL dream is in NY.
Lucas is in the airport, falls asleep, dreams of Gus, Brooke, Peyton, Lindsey, Gus, each member of the core plus Jamie and Lindsey telling him to choose in some way, Gus, and then he wakes up. Sees Gus.
In the dream- after Haley, Nathan, Jamie, Lindsey, Peyton, Brooke, and then Gus all tell him to choose- (and Gus says Just follow the heart. Just find your heart) Lucas picks a card. On the right. Gus asks him if he's sure. He nods and flips it over. It's the queen of hearts. Gus says something like you found your heart most people never do. How'd you do it? and Lucas says I guess I've always know. End dream.
Credit: Corey (BrucasplusNaley)

Brucas Flower Scene Pictures

COB pictures from after the robbery
Credit: Love to Burn

Episode 6.02 - "One Million Billionth of a Millisecond on a Sunday Morning"
Written by: ? & Directed by: Greg Prange

Sophia also filmed today but wore something to cover her face since they said her make-up was done like she had been beaten up.
Credit: TSOneTreeHillz

Sophia, Hilarie, and Barbara are all 3 filming today in the studios. Sophia and Hilarie are filming at Brooke's house, and i don't know where Barbara fits in.
Credit: leytonfanatic

There are also quite a few BP scenes in 602.
Credit: ErinLovesOTH

Lucas and his fiancé plan their dream wedding; Brooke and Peyton reconnect; Brooke, reeling from a threat to her store, reaches out to an unexpected ally; Jamie catches Skills and Deb kissing.
Credit: SpoilerTV

Episode 6.03 - "Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly."
Written by: ? & Directed by: Greg Prange

They filmed the Brooke/Jamie scene a few times. When everyone starts walking to their cars he runs back and Brooke and Nate turn around to go get him. She was being very protective of him the whole time.

The cape part is heartbreaking!
Credit: tutrgurl15

I believe these are for 6.03 but they may be for 6.04. We are taking a break and here are the things we saw today while watching filming at Belleview Cemetery. We were there from 10-3. They are still filming out there but after lunch, the cast went to the studio (we think) and just the extras are filming right now (I think).
I believe all the cast members we saw were Junk, Skills, Lucas, Peyton, Brooke, Haley, Nathan, Deb, Jamie, (standing in that order in front of the casket) (Mouth, Millicent and Dan were not there)
They filmed a scene with Jamie and Brooke talking at the casket (we weren’t there for that)
Credit: onetreehillblog

"They filmed a Brooke and Jamie scene. When everyone starts walking to their cars he runs back to the grave, and Brooke and Nathan turn around to go get him. They both start after him and maybe exchange words about it, but then Brooke goes after Jamie and Nathan kinda lags behind by himself. Haley just continued off down the hill, towards the cars, and was wiping her eyes a lot. She seemed really upset during that part, like she had to just get away from the grave as fast as she could."
Credit: tutrgurl15

The whole gang (the core five plus Skills, Deb, Junk, etc.) meets together at NH's house before heading to the funeral. This is about halfway through the episode.
Credit: Rebecca (curlyhead)

Brooke/Haley scene by NH's pool was filmed last night.
Credit: Rebecca (curlyhead)

Today at COB’s they filmed the scene with the Beggar for 6.03. They filmed the scene from several angles and in several small sections. I think they were doing a few different options and used the extras and an extra car on the street in a few different ways. Here are the scenes I remember.

When tragedy strikes in Tree Hill, Nathan and Haley experience difficulties breaking the news. Brooke, still hurt over the robbery, questions her friendship with Peyton and Lucas and Skills finally meet Quentin's mother.


Pictures From Filming.

Credit: onetreehillblog

Episode 6.04 - "Bridge Over Troubled Water" New Info!
Written by: ? & Directed by: Paul Johannson

All I was told was that Sophia filmed and all I know from John is that he filmed on location. But They didn't film together.
Credit: Chante @

I am on the phone with Kate right now and she said to inform yall that they were filming at Barbary Coast on 21 Market St. this morning. She says that John (Mick) and Sophia both filmed there but they were two separate scenes.

They were told that the Mick scene was supposed to be him in a some sort of dive bar possibly in NY, but she wasn't positive of that info.

Sophia was filming in the cafe part of the place.
Credit: TeAm*LP*CoOkIeS

Episode 6.05 - "You've Dug Your Own Grave, Now Lie in It" New Info!
Written by: ? & Directed by: ?
Sophia and Hilarie filmed in a bar (just the two of them I believe), and Chad and Michaela filmed in the restaurant/bar pictured. The drink she has in her hand in the bar picture is a prop left behind after the LL scene!
Credit: Raimie/Gia

Sophia & Fan

Episode 6.06 - "Choosing My Own Way of Life" New Info!
Written by: ? & Directed by: ?

Also Sophia is back from LA because her, Hil and the girl who plays Sam are filming at the studio today.
Credit: Adrienne (IloveMeSomeBrucas)

Sophia and Joy are filming at c/b until about 3 or 3:30
Credit: SeriouslyOTH00 @

For full information about the episodes timeline and info regarding other characters visit the main spoiler thread for One Tree Hill. Sides for the episodes can be found on our LJ.

"The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall
You say it best when you say nothing at all"
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