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Old 08-15-2008, 10:46 PM
break the window
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Originally Posted by *^*Laur*^* (View Post)
I wouldn't exactly say they got along last night though..

Nathan kinda chewed Lucas out when he was trying to be nice to him earlier in the day. He said something like "Just because I'm going out with Haley doesn't mean you have to be nice to me." And then when Haley showed up he said something about the nice guy act was getting old.

Lots of people are saying that the last scene between them at the court was nice but I thought it was kind of a bitch slap towards Lucas. Nathan showed up and told Lucas he was leaving the team, and I think he only did it to be like "There, you happy now? You want my world, you got it." You know? I don't think it was meant for Nathan to be nice to Lucas, but that's just me I guess.
i know i'm like four years too late on this post

but i have to disagree. lucas wanted to be the star of the team, he wanted to be with peyton. and that was nathan's world. he had peyton sawyer as a girlfriend and he was the star of the team. so in a way, nathan was just saying this is your world, i'm out of it. i don't find it as Nate trying to be mean, I find it as the first time Nathan wasn't a total jackass to Lucas on the rivercourt.
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