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Old 11-10-2004, 02:56 AM
Passionate Fan

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Episode Discussion: 2x21 Becoming, Part I

Since we aren't going to have new episodes to discuss, we're going to have weekly episode discussion threads for old episodes. New threads will, of course, appear each Tuesday. Except when they don't.

Becoming, Part I

Angelus has found a demon called Acathla, who can suck the entire world into hell. We are treated to flashbacks of Angelus being sired by Darla, Angelus siring Drusilla, the curse being carried out by the gypsies, and Angel being inspired to help Buffy by Whistler, a good demon. Buffy finds the disk of Jenny's with the spell to restore Angelus' soul. Kendra returns to Sunnydale, because of a dark power that's rising; she comes bearing a sword from the knight who first defeated Acathla. Angelus tries to awaken Acathla, but he cannot, so Drusilla sends her gang to kidnap Giles to find out the way to do so. Angelus distracts Buffy, so Kendra is left alone to try and defend the gang from Dru; Dru kills Kendra. Willow is knocked into a coma, and Xander has his arm broken. Buffy returns to find Kendra's body. The police arrive, find Buffy standing over her, and arrest her.

(Episode summary on loan from

RtS: #10; beat Wrecked in the first round; beat Intervention in the second round; lost to Something Blue in the third round.

A thoroughly brilliant episode. Whistler might be the best "one-off" character in the series' history, outstanding use of flashbacks, great suspense and pacing, outstanding Drusilla scenes and a real kick in the gut at the end. One of the episodes I never, ever get tired of rewatching. The only negative was the creepy Angel leering at Buffy before she was called. If JW had just omitted that one scene, this might be the perfect ep.

Please feel free to post your comments, screencaps, favorite scenes and quotes.

Next week: 2x22, Becoming, Part 2.
Goodbye BtVS.
4 great years. 2 1/2 good years.
Tuesday is now just another day.
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