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Old 08-11-2008, 10:15 AM
Fan Forum Hero

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Joined: Dec 2002
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Board Customization

Hi everyone,

The Fan Forum Graphics Team is in the process of (re)customizing message boards and now it's your turn!

If you have any picture suggestions or colour ideas, please post them on this thread. Don't post (hotlink) the pictures, links to them are fine. Make sure that the pictures are of as high quality as possible and that the top of the head of the person in the picture isn't cropped off. We also like to use photoshoot images when possible.

Your suggestions for possible colors and pictures will be taken into serious consideration, but in the interest of seeing every board receive the best customized look possible, the final decision concerning how this board will be customized will be made by the members of the Graphics Team, because we want to make sure that the selected graphic and colors fit into the overall design scheme that we've established for Fan Forum.

For a full explanation of the message board customization process, see this thread. If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me or ask them on the message board customization thread.

Please leave this topped until a week or so after the board has been (re)customized.

Note: It usually takes less than 2 weeks for us to finish making the new banner and the sooner we know what you want, the more we can work on it (though it can take a few months or so to set it up with the new colours on the board), so please let us know your suggestions as soon as possible.

Wifey Jen O'Neill With 2 L's!
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