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Old 11-05-2004, 09:32 PM
Chynna Princess
Master Fan

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Your most recent rant reason was...

My workload. I work waaaay more than anyone else and I have a broken bone in my back. Everyone has a desk job but me. I have a heavy lifting job.

if you could have anything for a pet, what would it be?

I love my puppy. He's my child. I'd never trade him. But if other than him I could have anything maybe a gerbil. In 9th grade the person taking home the class gerbil for my study hall teacher (who taught biology to 10th graders) backed out and she couldn't find anyone. I had come in her class during lunch a few times to study and ended up learning about a lot of the animal. I fell in love with the gerbil, Max. My mom freaked when she picked me up that day and I had him in his tank. She doesn't like furry little animals (mice, hampters, gerbils) and I convinced her no one else would take him home and it was X-Mas break and he'd starve. She didn't want to even touch the tank. I put the tank on the bar that separated the kitchen from the living room and she'd shudder to go near it. I finally sat down with her and pulled him out to feed him and put him in him rolling ball. She laughed at how he kept going and going. He'd run into the wall and back up and do it again. I took him out and put him in her hands. She tensed at first but them she looked him in the eyes and petted him. He snuggled into her palm and she fed him. When he was done I showed her how he liked to run up and down your arm. She fell in love him him so much. We kept him for 2 weeks and every day she'd come home and take him out to put him in his ball to run around the house while she listened to music and did housework. She insisted he liked it. She was so sad when break was over and said try to get him for spring but he ended up dying in February. He had been kinda sick for a year. The teacher took him in because he was sick and she felt bad. I told mom and she almost cried. Since we have my puppy now she's the same way. She comes home and hugs him first. They really love each other. He's like her baby. They fall asleep on the couch together.

do you celebrate Xmas?

But of course. I love giving gifts. I think all year about what different people will like and I can't wait for the break.

if so when do you put up and take down your tree?

It goes up on Thanksgiving or the day after and comes down New Years (my lil sis' birthday) or the day after.

Would you like to swim in orange juice one day?

I already have. Well once I spilled a whole glass on me. Now that great. But if I had a pool of it. I love oj

Do you like being hot or cold?

Cold cuz you can snuggle and sleep easy. Hot is nasty. I hate being hot. It's just miserable.

do you wish uncle buck was your uncle?

Have you met my uncle? He is Uncle Buck. He looks just like him and is twice as embarrassing. We used to tease him and say he was just like him. His nickname is Uncle Buck. That's what I call him, honest. Funny you should ask that. Same wavelength...

If your skin had to turn either purple or green, which colour would you pick?

Purple because green is too easy to explain (sickness and such). If my skin were to turn a color I'd want it to be something that stood out. Never seen a puplre person. I'd be a one-eyed, one-horned purple people eater.
Ryan: I like to hide behind my cymbals.
Jesse: He got humped by a dingo.

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