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Old 11-02-2004, 06:42 PM
Part-Time Fan
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Joined: Oct 2001
Posts: 203
Originally posted by Age-a-licious
Cute banner. I like the pictures of him checking out his hair. Reminds me of the rogaine.
That rogaine scene is my all time favourite SATC scene, the way that he argues with Carrie in the bathroom is just so funny!! I distinctly remember watching that scene for the first time and my boyfriend became a fan of Aiden after watching the bit where Carrie is going through his stuff!! Very, very funny....

Glad you like the banner guys!

(Kelly, he really is one SEXY guy....yum!!)
"Soul mate. Two little words. One big concept. A belief that someone, somewhere is holding the key to ur heart. All u have to do is find them" Carrie

"Everyone longs to find his or her true love and build a life with his or her soul mate, experiencing a special love and sharing an extremely rare and special connection. Everyone has one true love soul mate, the one person you are destined to have a romantic relationship throughout your life on earth (and beyond)."

Carrie/Big, Carrie/Aiden, Seth/Summer, Dawson/Joey, Pacey/Andie, Buffy/Angel
* friends * lovers * soulmates*
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