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Old 07-04-2008, 06:30 PM
Serena Grey-Mars
Absolute Fan

Joined: May 2008
Posts: 6,601

by Chattia

Feel The Silence - Step By Step - Where You Belong - What I'm Here For - Stay - Complications - Staplegunned
Thinking Over - Seriously McMarried - Bright And Shiny - Still Holding On - At The Beginning
Keeping The Faith - It Takes A Village - A Tale Of Two Cities

by WalaBridget

Broken Hearts - Forbidden - Ferryboats - - - -

1. Ferryboats
2. Elevators
3. Sex (In Living Rooms, Cars, Beds, Exam Rooms, On-Call Rooms,... - where ever!)
4. Exam Rooms
5. Candles
6. Trailers
7. Bathtubs
8. Hospitals
9. Surgeries
10. Brains/Neurogsurgery
11. Extraordinary Together
12. Kisses/Tippy-toe Kisses
13. Tongues
14. Seattle
15. Clinical Trials
16. Dogs (DOC)
17. Proms
18. Snoring
19. Wax Ear Plugs
20. Glow-in-Dark Condoms
21. Spooning
22. Doctors
23. Interns
24. Hair-Sniffing
25. Hair-Pulling
26. Pillow Fights
27. "Friendly" Walks
28. Sharing Water Bottles
29. Hand-Holding
30. Life-Saving
31. Their "Look"
32. Joe's Bar
33. The "Bendy" Thing
34. Closet Comfort
35. Countdowns

36. Stairwells
37. Black Panties
38. Lavender Conditioner
39. "Last Kiss"
40. Great Hair
41. Soulmates
42. Hovering
43. "Love of their Lives" / "True Love"
44. "Knight in Shining Whatever"
45. Victory Dances
46. Champagne
47. Tequila/Single-Malt Scotch
48. Indigo Scrubs/Lab Coats
49. Flirting
50. Taking Advantage
51. Crosswords
52. Markers



by WalaBridget

by Nymph Marty

by Flowers

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