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Old 06-27-2008, 11:14 PM
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Returning for its sixth season to the town of Tree Hill, last season ONE TREE HILL made the unprecedented move of taking the storylines four years into the future. Season four ended as the young characters graduated high school and season five began post-college, four years later. The show also dipped into the past, returning to incidents and events that impacted the lives of this close group of friends who call Tree Hill home. The series stars Chad Michael Murray as Lucas Scott, James Lafferty as Nathan Scott, Hilarie Burton as Peyton Sawyer, Sophia Bush as Brooke Davis, Bethany Joy Galeotti as Haley James Scott, Lee Norris as Mouth, Antwon Tanner as Skills and Paul Johansson as Dan Scott. ONE TREE HILL was created by Mark Schwahn and is executive produced by Schwahn, Joe Davola, Greg Prange, Mike Tollin and Brian Robbins. ONE TREE HILL is a Tollin/Robbins Production in association with Warner Bros. Television.

"One Tree Hill" returns for season six on September 1st, 2008. Tune in to find out just who did Lucas call for a Vegas Nuptial - Brooke, Peyton or Lindsey?

I don't know if this is consider a spoiler or not, but the cast & crew will not actually be filming in Vegas. Everything will be filmed on set. They were not able to spend the money to go and film there.
Credit: to anonymous.

I wouldn't rule out Brooke.

All i know, is that a friend of a friend supposedly talked to crew in Wilmy and they told him it was Brooke going to Vegas. how reliable that is, I don't know.
Credit: sunchick116

The story board for shooting in Vegas includes wedding preparations and shots of a chapel.
Credit: Amanda (hoydenish)

Peyton's the one who goes to Vegas with Lucas
Confirmation. I'm in Wilmington and am able to find out stuff. As far as if Lucas and Peyton actually get married though, I have no idea, I just know she goes to Vegas with him.
Credit: StuckeyGilmore (TWOP)

CH are definitely filming the airport scene (s).
Credit: Rebecca (curlyhead)

I have to be honest. I don't think there are three versions of the proposal thing. Someone with very tight connections to the show told me earlier in the week that Luke called Peyton, then someone else did yesterday, and now this person from TWOP. No one has mentioned Lindsey or Brooke's name in any of the scenarios. I'm only saying this, because I've been friends with Eva for a couple of seasons and I have talked with a couple more of you during the past year, and I feel like you are owed the truth.
Credit: Rebecca (curlyhead)

Lucas will be involved with the story involving Brooke and Sam, in some capacity.
Credit: Rebecca (curlyhead)

Chad is writing an episode of the show this season too. That is a definite.
Credit: Rebecca (curlyhead)

In other OTH news, the writers are taking Brooke to a very dark place this season...Somebody, quick, flip a light switch.
Credit: Watch with Kristin (E. Online)

Honestly, I'm not positive that the Vegas stuff is in 6.02. I think it might be in the premiere.
Credit: Rebecca (curlyhead)

The trifecta scene is definitely before the Vegas stuff. Positive.
As I said yesterday, I don't know of any scenes with B/Li being at the airport. I only heard about Peyton being there.
Credit: Rebecca (curlyhead)

Samantha: 15 year old foster child who is a student of Haley's. Seems to be a hardened version of Brooke in S1. She mentions partying, alcohol, and drug use. She was abused by her foster parents. SIDE

Episode 6.01
"Touch Me I'm Going to Scream Pt. 1"

Written by: ? & Directed by: Mark Schwan

The reason the cast was there is because they filmed today.

Lucas' final dream: He is sitting at a card table and the dealer deals him three cards. We see Lindsey's face on one card, Brooke's on another's and Peyton's on the third one. Luke gives each one flowers. The dealer tells him he can only make one choice. Just as Lucas reaches for a card, we see him wake up from his dream at the airport...
Credit: Rebecca

Dream scene? Brooke and Lucas get out of a cab in NY and walk to what looks like a hotel entrance. There Lucas and Brooke kiss goodbye and the scene ended. They were also holding hands the whole time. They set up the hotel right next to c/b but you don't see Brooke's store. Its a good scene for you all...they kiss on the lips and look to be in love. He was wearing a suit, him and Sophia were formal. The BL kiss is not a peck.
Credit: Taylor (TSOneTreeHillz)

Just heard Brooke had roses in their scene. I'm assuming they're from Luke.
Credit: ILoveMeSomeBrucas

There is a scene very early in the sixth season premiere where Skills and Brooke are in bed acting romantic. (Yes, I said Skills and Brooke, so what do you think? Dream? Names changed to hide other identities?)

We see a wedding ring on "Brooke's" finger, and then we see "Skills" turn over to her and call her "wifey".
Credit: Rebecca

Samantha goes into Clothes over Bros and tries to steal something then Brooke grabs here arm. Samantha pushes Brooke down and runs out. Samantha looks like a 14 year old. She is thin with long brown hair and cute.
Credit: Taylor (TSOneTreeHillz)

We are at clothes over bros and we saw Milli and Brooke's mom.
Sophia is also filming at C/B right now with Daphne and Lisa.
Credit: mandylh72590 @

They are definitely filming at the airport for the premiere, so it appears that at least part of the episode will pick up right from the finale.
Credit: Anonymous (posted by Rebecca)

So a little something new straight from the mouth of Fincannon. Wednesday they are during chapel scenes that include a lesbian couple and a tattooed couple waiting to get married. Thursday is the airport scenes.
Credit: Taylor (TSOneTreeHillz)

The next scene was with Brooke & Millicent and the new character Sam. In this scene it look as though Sam stole something from the store and Millicent and Brooke confronted her. Then Sam tried to leave with the piece of clothing that she put in her bag and Brooke grabbed it out of her bag. We couldn't see what Brooke did next but it look like they almost fought cause Millicent went towards them like she tried to break it up.
The next scene was at night but they put tarps up on all the windows and we couldnt see…all we know that it was a behind the counter shot.
The last scene we saw was Brooke being robbed. That was why they needed a stunt double for Brooke. We haven't figured out who the person robbing her was, it wasn't that Sam girl cause she was really small and the person robbing her was huge and it had to be a guy. Some people we talked to said they saw nanny Carrie walking around downtown but it couldn't have been her, the robber had to be a guy.
From what we could see there was no one else in the store with her at the time. They first used sophia when the robber grabbed Brooke and motioned to throw her on the ground and she screamed. Then they cut and used the stunt to throw on the ground...but we never saw anyone else in the store with her, but that doesnt mena that there wasnt anyone else hidding in the back or something. Fom what it looked like Brooke really didn't have a chance to fight back cause she was on her way out when the guy barged in the front door an grabbed her.
That's the last scene they filmed and they ended with him throwing her on the ground. They might film an additional scene a different day but I know they wrapped after was also really late too so maybe they were all tired, but that was what they ended with.
Credit: mandylh72590 @

Lucas will share a scene with the trifecta (Lindsey, Peyton, Brooke) in the premiere. One scene. All four. 'The IMDB thing is erroneous. Someone got their facts mixed up.') I don't think anyone will be fast forwarding that scene, especially LP fans.
Credit: Rebecca (curlyhead)

We have confirmed that in the first episode there will be a lot of "dream" scenes.
A lot of rumored spoilers are going around it's Peyton... however... all 3 girls will be filming a scene that places them going to Vegas with Lucas.
So... it's still up in the air as to which girl it will ACTUALLY be.
Credit: Patrick (owner of

I just got back from downtown and got to see filming BL scenes so I thought I'd share or basically confirm. Brooke and Lucas get out of a cab in NY and walk to what looks like a hotel entrance. There Lucas and Brooke kiss goodbye and the scene ended. They were also holding hands the whole time. Don't get your hopes up too much, I believe its a dream sequence.

They set up the hotel right next to c/b but you don't see Brooke's store. Its a good scene for you all...they kiss on the lips and look to be in love.

He was wearing a suit, him and Sophia were formal.
The BL kiss is not a peck.
Credit: Taylor

Just heard Brooke had roses in her scene. I'm assuming they're from Luke.
Credit: Adrienne

I didn't really see much. They were in NYC together and Brooke like walks away and Lucas jogs up to her with the red roses in hand and gives them to her. They started off behind something and all I saw was Sophia walking off to her right and Lucas coming up from behind her with the roses in hand. That's all I saw unfortunately =\ They kinda just cut after he runs up to her with them. But I did hear there was a Brucas kiss filmed earlier in the day.....
Credit: nbitterbid@othforums

Just a correction...I saw this filmed and there was def dialogue. My friend also played a flight attendent and was five feet from Chil and there was cute dialogue. Their heads stayed together while they talked but they did talk.

It wasn't like "lets get married, *kiss* and they leave. The scene has some closure. But the make-outs were hott!

Also this might ruin a little something for you guys but Hil and Chad spinned the very first time they filmed(and it might have just been them and not the characters) the scene after that they kept it to just passionate making out.
Credit: Taylor

I didn't read back so I guess it wasn't posted by Erin here. Yes. Spin Kiss. Airport. LP. Lucas was wearing the same shirt from the finale. Lots of smiling between them. Def. Happy. Happy LP. Goodtimes.
Credit: Taylor

Since I guess that this scene is a dream also, I'll post the rest of the details:

We see a wedding ring on "Brooke's" finger, and then we see "Skills" turn over to her and call her "wifey". (this is of course the scene that was posted a while back, but we had no idea what it meant and if the characters were actually SB or what)

It's pretty evident now that our guess about SD getting married probably wasn't right. ^

Lucas's final dream: He is sitting at a card table and the dealer deals him three cards. We see Lindsey's face on one card, Brooke's on another's and Peyton's on the third one. Luke gives each one flowers. The dealer tells him he can only make one choice. Just as Lucas reaches for a card, we see him wake up from his dream at the airport...
Credit: Rebecca

Wow... since when did the extras start writing the show?

I've worked with the show directly for almost the beginning. And even when I am on set... I don't know the different between a dream and what they will use as it's really happening.

I just think people take what others say WAY too seriously and for granted.

This is OTH... ANYTHING can happen.

And I can tell you for a fact that the other girls have either filmed or will be filming airport scenes.

I didn't say they would do it all in one day.

As a matter of fact... in one of my other posts... I stated that one has already filmed... and one of them were filming on Thursday. But I couldnt remember if it was Michela or Hilarie. They were both filming yesterday.
Credit: Patrick

Episode 6.02

Written by: ? & Directed by: ?

September 2008

For full information about the episodes timeline and info regarding other characters visit the main spoiler thread for One Tree Hill. Sides for the episodes can be found on our LJ.

It is a truth
universally acknowledged
that nothing gets done
without alcohol.
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