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Old 06-20-2008, 09:26 AM
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Originally Posted by karen29 (View Post)
ok, I don't think I'll be able to make it to this weekends viewing party since I am attending the film festival on Sunday and on Saturday a bunch of us X-Philes are meeting up at Chevy's for a dinner, to which Stephanie Groff from Mobscene will attend and interview a bunch of us....wish me luck, lol.
I could say that I'm jealous but I love you too much. So I'm just happy for you. *generous*

still jealous

Haha viewing party next weekend is a good idea if Germany won't be in the final of the European soccer championship. If that's the case I will be sooooooo drunken somewhere in the city and I think my country will stop working. But we'll see.

Tanith your avi which ep is it from?
Kate, what are you really scared of? That he won’t wait for you? Or that he will? Caskett
Lauren Graham / lauren-online / avi by me
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