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Old 06-17-2008, 09:36 PM
Extreme Fan
Joined: Jan 2008
Posts: 2,434
Originally Posted by kjb13248 (View Post)
I was just thinking today that Bonnie would make a great dramatic actress. She has a very unique voice that I think could pull off drama pretty well. And her facial expressions from the more dramatic moments of the Harry Potter movies are good indicators as well.
Agreed. Bonnie had some good dramatic type moments in The Replacements episode that she was in. Mix that with her facial expressions in OotP and we have one young kick ass dramatic actress on our hands!

Originally Posted by Gean
Aye, she has. She could be the, she can make her own legacy in the entertainment industry, as an actress or working behind the camera.

You guys... Oi, Eve how can you do that to Ashlie? :nono
She definitely will! Bonnie will be the next Nicole Kidman. And Nicole is damn talented and gorgeous. Not to mention both her and Bonnie can sing. I'd love to see Bonnie behind the camera, but I'd also love to see her in a movie musical and hear her sing! -dances at the thought-

I hope you meant 'you guys' in a good way!

I'm not doing that to Ashlie, silly! I said that I'd never cheat on her! Admiring someone from afar and having a platonic love for them isn't cheating! I still love Ashlie with all of my heart! I'd never hurt her. Ever, ever.

Originally Posted by jonrevilla123
Yes Eve, like Harry & Hermione's love, we are above that. We have a beautiful, pure love that is platonic. We are content to love from afar, our ship will never sail. We just have to content ourselves with our fanfiction, and make lots of OOC smut fics, because we are beyond physical love!
Yes we are! We'll be the tragic ship that was never meant to be! Complete with OOC smut!fics and everything, just like you said! We're above any type of physical or romantic love whatsoever! We're better than that!

Oh god. I'm dying of hysterics!


Originally Posted by *Fergie* (View Post)
You certainly picked the perfect words to describe Bonnie's voice, Eve! I've always had trouble putting it into words because it's just that amazing. And she totally made that villianess sexy!

OH and how I can forget? Her gorgeous hair! Bonnie Wright is blessed with a beautiful, straight, shiny red mane.

I'm so jealous.

Thanks! I hate to toot my own horn, but I did do a good job on that one! Bonnie's voice is so amazing that I hard a time describing it for the longest time after I watched that episode! She rocked so hardcore!

I know! I'm jealous too. She's gorgeous. I wish I had her looks and hair and everything!

Okay, seriously guys. I'm off to wine, dine and sleep. Love you all! Behave while I'm eating and sleeping, won't you?

...Yeah right! When Eve is away the Bonnie fans will play!

Last edited by Eveishxx; 06-18-2008 at 12:02 AM
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