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Old 06-17-2008, 01:48 PM
Burn Our History
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Oh, I wasn't even beginning fighting with you! No cat fights from me, ever.
I didn't think so and neither was I. Though, like with anything, fandom comes with that "I disagree but please don't rip my head off" disclaimer, right? The cat fighting thing was more of a joke, mostly because if Pacey were an actual guy, as opposed to just a character....well, lets just say it's probably a good thing there'd be enough of him to go around.

I didn't mind the Pacey/Tamara storyline all that much, back then. But I'm older and you hear about these teachers all over the United States doing the same thing with even younger boys, its like..yuck ..I mean..its great for a tv storyline. It's juicy and great gossip, but..if you look at it realistically not the best route and you have to wonder the mind set of Tamara.
I was always thought, "That's kinda...odd...but it's tv so whatever." I suppose that is just art immitating life to drum up some controversy and maybe get people to watch and weigh on the whole situation.
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