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Old 06-02-2008, 11:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Brittmyster (View Post)
All my friends and family are like, "You should do it! It'd be so much easier to buy you gifts!" Oh the cartilage didnt hurt at all. Everyone's like, "OMG it's soooo painful" but it didnt hurt at all. It's painful the next day! And then it's a pain in the butt having to clean it!
Hmm... Maybe I'll get one when I'm a bit older. Like when I'm in college or something. It sounds really cool and as long as it's not too painful I'll do it.

Originally Posted by Skull_CandyX
Nopers. My bellybutton barely at all. My nose wasn't bad. I think my cartilage piercings hurt worse than my nose or navel did. The only issue I had with my nose is, since your nose is connected to your sinuses and stuff, it made my eyes water so bad haha
I can imagine. That makes sense that your eyes would water as a result. I guess it matters what part of your cartilage you get pierced like sweet_zelda said. Regardless, I can deal with a bit of pain. I can't really get my belly button pierced though because I have an outie.

Anyhow, on an OT note, I agree, I don't think that Roaslie would have tongue or navel piercings or anything. Ears perhaps, but nothing else.
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