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Old 05-30-2008, 12:25 AM
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Bad Addiction {Mick♥Coraline} Appreciation #3 ~ She sacrificed herself for him...

Welcome to the 3rd {Mick/Coraline} Appreciation Thread

banner by ForEver_Silenced

Mick/Coraline Shippers:
White Noise
Brilliant Disguise

1.03 - Dr. Feelgood

[Mick is waking up after being T U R N E D]
CORALINE: Don't be afraid. It's ok.
MICK: What have you D O N E? What have you done to me?
CORALINE: Don't be scared, it's my wedding G I F T . I freed you.
I freed you from D E A T H.
MICK: Tell me what you did to me.
CORALINE: I joined us forever. I know you don't understand. I've given you a gift.
The G R E A T E S T gift I can give.
MICK: But I don't want this.
CORALINE: I L O V E you. I love Y O U.
MICK: You made me into a M O N S T E R.

1.03 - Dr. Feelgood

[Mick is crawled up in a corner]
CORALINE: There you are.
MICK: Get A W A Y from me!
[Coraline brings him a woman tied up]
CORALINE: I know you're hurting. I brought you something that will make you feel better.
MICK: No, take her away!
CORALINE: You don't really want me to do that.
MICK: Yes, I do! Make it stop. Make it S T O P, please.
CORALINE: I can't, it's done. And it's gonna be so wonderful.
MICK: You gotta K I L L me! I wanna die!
CORALINE: No, you don't. You wanna L I V E.
[Coraline brings the woman's neck closer to Mick. Mick B I T E S.]

Mick & Coraline Pictures

Shipper Reasons
- Because they are tied. For eternity. For life.
- Because they are addicted to each other
- Because their relationship is more than just an intense affair
- Because Coraline became human for him

1.05 - Arrested Development

[Mick and Coraline on their honeymoon]
MICK: I'll L O V E you forever. Forever.

Future Titles

1.07 - The Ringer

[At the party, Coraline beckons Mick to come to her]
CORALINE: Can't you guys P L A Y something that'll get this snore on its feet?
MICK: [laughs] Like what?
CORALINE: I don't know, like Winony Harris or Little Willie John or just something with a little bit more R H Y T H M?
MICK: Well, gee, I don't know if this crowd would like the D E V I L ' S music.
CORALINE: That's why I want you to play it.
MICK: How about 'Good Rockin' Tonight'?
CORALINE: How about 'Ain't That Just Like a Woman?'? I think that that would be much more shocking. Don't you?
MICK: On one condition.
CORALINE: My name is C O R A L I N E.
MICK: I didn't say what the condition was.
CORALINE: That's always the condition. [She K I S S E S him on the cheek and walks away]

1.07 - The Ringer

[Ain't That Just Like A Woman is P L A Y I N G. Everybody is gone and the band is packing their stuff. Coraline walks up to Mick with a bottle of wine.]
CORALINE: You wanna get W E T?
MICK: You don't even know my N A M E.
CORALINE: Do I need to?
MICK: Maybe you should come to one of my real gigs.
CORALINE: This was one of your R E A L gigs. [She turns her back to him] Will you give me a hand?
[Mick unzips her dress and sees a T A T T O O on her shoulder]

1.07 - The Ringer

[Mick K N O C K S on the door, he is dressed up]
MICK: Why did you L E A V E the other night? We were just S T A R T I N G to have some fun. [He tries to kiss her, but Coraline pulls back]
CORALINE: What night?
[Mick looks past C O R A L I N E and sees a man who looks like Mottola sitting on her couch]
MICK: I get it. That's fine. [he walks A W A Y]

1.07 - The Ringer

[Mick is knocking on the windows. He is D R U N K]
MICK: Hey! Hey. I know you're in T H E R E. [Coraline comes to the door, but doesn't open] Where's your B O Y F R I E N D. Send him out. I got something for him.
CORALINE: Send who out? There's nobody here.
MICK: The let me in.
CORALINE: I'm not in the H A B I T of letting inebriated men into my house at two in the morning.
MICK: You stood me up. You stood me up three times.
CORALINE: I'm S O R R Y, okay? We'll make it up.
[Coraline walks away and Mick walks around the house, W A T C H I N G her through the windows. Coraline walks to the window and they look at each other. She walks away laughing. Mick takes a chair from the patio and throws is through the window and K I S S E S Coraline]

Previous Threads
#1 ~ Because they are tied. For eternity. For life.
#2 ~ Because their relationship is more than just an intense affair
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Last edited by Brilliant Disguise; 03-12-2009 at 09:54 AM
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