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Old 10-09-2004, 01:00 PM
Elite Fan

Joined: Sep 2002
Posts: 33,650
Best Premiere

season 4
season 6-minus DJ sex
season 3
season 1
season 2
season 5

best finale

season 3-Joey running after Pacey and leaving Dawosn crying on the dock
season 6-once again Joey choosing to spend her life with Pacey when she couldn't even go away for a little summer with Dawson when she had no excuse
season 2
season 1- at the time DJ didn't bother me
season 4 and season 5- thought about this and I am not going to choose which I hate more. In Coda, I did like the scene in the beginning when they are watching the movie and Joey looks all sad when Dawson asks if Pacey called and she says no. You can tell she is bitter he left and is upset it didin't work out. I also liked a few other scenes. I hated Pacey calling Dawson. Give me a break. I like that Joey said her hugest regret was the lie. Swan Song- well, as much as it sucks it just proves the point that Dawson still couldn't inspire Joey to run a way with him for the summer. She had money, clothes, and no responsibilities. I like that Joey tells Pacey she believes in him. I like that Pacey was reluctant to go to the airport and tried to talk Joey out of going. I like when Dawson and Joey mention being each other's security blankets and how they both haven't grown up and are running a way from the real world and how this contrasts to Pacey is the most grown up person Joey knows who doesn't look back. I liked the Jack and Jen scenes. I even liked Pacey and Audrey.
is it true you went out with Joshua Jackson last year?
Katie Holmes: I fell in love for the first time and it was something so incredible and indescribable that I will always treasure it.

KH asked about kissing her ex (JJ) in front of the cameras all day:

"Maybe there's a hint of realism?"
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