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Old 04-25-2008, 02:10 PM
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Originally Posted by starryeyesxx (View Post)
that's what i think kellykip

welcome linguisticpassion

Welcome linguistic, Kylie will add you when she comes

I think all three women were trying to forget about their true love, which is why they got so over the top obsessed with the competition: Mer with Derek, Burke with Cristina and Izzie with George.

I noticed Izzie was a bit not rude but expeditive with george, which she never is, and she almost didn<t look him in the eyes, I think she is finding it hard to go from lovers to friends and misses him.

And eh clearly misses her too, with the hair comment and the hurt looks.

The closet scene was hot, they were standing so clsoe and the chemistry was flying off the screen.

TR and Katie<s chemistry gets stronger all the time.

Gizzie eneds to be together, they are so perfect together, the best couple ever.
My name is Katia
Gizzie, Dan and Serena, Chuck and Blair, Shawn and Belle, Nathan and Hayley, Lucas and Peyton
Proud Gizzie fan for life
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