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Old 04-25-2008, 09:35 AM
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Originally Posted by p&j =true luv (View Post)
For now, I'm willing to give Shonda the benefit of doubt. I still haven't seen the episode but from the sneak peek alone - George was calling her hair hot, and looked disappointed that she cut it, and that really did not seem like a platonic thing.

Shonda has said they'll be stuggling, and I fully expect to see that. Like I said in the BGL thread, I think things will shift in the next episode.
I still have hope, I have not been watching the show as Gizzie is the only nthing thta interests me, but him calling izie hair hot and the closet scene, them stabndinjg very close, seems to be good hints for me.

I will not give up.
Izzie Stevens and George O'Malley - Tess Silverman McLeod Ryan and Nick Ryan = true love forever and eternal soulmates
Nikki Nav Caetano and Josh ET Holiday: an unforgettable forbidden love
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