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Old 04-22-2008, 04:52 PM
New Fan
Joined: Mar 2007
Posts: 89
I agree. I kept making these like... high-pitched pity squeeks, for lack of better way to show my sadness. I agreed. I wanted to hug him too. Well. I do want to hug him all the time. ... but then especciecially. It was just sadness.
And those kids.. I mean... that doesn't really happen in our school, but why would they do that? It was just terrible. D=. Despite Reids high-huggability in the scene it was really unaweseome.
Caution: Excessive Fangirl Screaming, Please Beware, Earplugs are Recomended.
My 'ships: House/Cameron [House M.D], McGee/Abby [NCIS]
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