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Old 04-17-2008, 08:16 PM
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Originally Posted by rhythm_hearts (View Post)
My SherSher!! Congrats on 2000!!

I'm so glad you found your way here and to LJ, too, because that's where I first met you!! This is a great place to be, even when we don't know what our favorite couple are up to, because we can just make it up and write about it!

A million hugs to you because I'm sure you'll be gone when I get home and sign on again!
Awww thank you darling. A million hugs for you too. I've been on LJ for almost 6 years now. See how long I've been waiting for you I love you Bev! You're a wonderful person who brings a little sunshine to my life every day!

Originally Posted by jessica3311 (View Post)
Zikki: Passover Drabble jessica3311 - Zikki Passover Drabble

Dedicated to my Sher!!! Congrats on 2,000 posts!! !!!

And shout out to Dave, Jen & Lanie, you influenced me to write this silly idea

Please R&R
Jess, that was so awesometastic! I left you lots of love! It was just a billion pieces of wonderful. I can't say enough good things. I just loved it. I feel so blessed to have you in my life Jess. I can hardly get through my day without talking to you. Thank you for everything you do!
“so what you’re saying is, I’m your brand of h e r o i n?” ~ bella
"yes, you are e x a c t ly my b r a n d of h e r o i n .” ~ edward
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