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Old 04-14-2008, 08:05 PM
fall like stars
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well, here's my offical review, which I posted on LJ.
Such a cute episode.

I don't know about anyone else, but I just think there's even more tension b/w them now. More than ever. YUMMY.

That 'suspect' asking Brennan out and Booth saying no she won't go out with you or something like that, hehehe. I love the Booth!Jealously

And I love how easily Brennan agreed to go on the date. Hee. And how nervous Booth was about it, cuz he totally was. He's so delicate. :hugs him:

Booth: Do you want me to get a corsage?
LMFAO! This line made me grin more than it probably should have. *g*

Now onto the BB ceramics date! UM.......Booth and his horse. The clay throwing!! freaking adorable. They looked adorable. I um, yeah..need caps of that now.

Brennan telling April that her and booth aren't blue fish. Hehehehehe. Yeah, um, right!. Sure! Trying to convince yourself there Brennan?

The BB bantering in the car. I LOVE IT. SO CUTE.

When Booth tricked Phillipa into admitting she knew of the mud pit.
Brennan: No changies.
Booth: No takebacks

.."We all do things for the girl."

I LOVE Sweets BUT crummy timing dude..right there at the end. I need some BB gazing dammit! WELL, if I can allow one person to interrupt, it's sweets, so he's forgiven...for now.

Gah, it's just so amazing just to have them back on my screen finally!

now, what I want to finish off with some actual non-hyper thoughts, hehe.

What I loved about this episode was the theme. Look how FAST April dumped Sweets, because they were too 'different'. Booth/Brennan are like the epitome of opposites - most of the time it works for them and helps balance each other out -- but when they do clash, their relationship transcends all of that. They always find a way to work together. Like the way they were both there for Sweets. That's what it takes to have a long-lasting relationship with someone. And the writers are really showing that is what Booth/Brennan have..that foundation.
What died didn’t stay dead
You’re alive, you’re alive in my head
And if I didn’t know better, I’d think you were singing to me now
I know better
But I still feel you all around icon
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