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Old 04-01-2008, 10:45 PM
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Joined: Mar 2006
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Will has the best quotes ever.

Will: When Monica says "It's On" it might mean the light's on in the living room, or it might mean she's going to punch you in the face.

Jase: I would just like to stay, those of you who conspired against me this week - Kiss My Ass!

Marvin: Jesus told you to vote off the black dude and the gay dude?!? Get the hell outta here!

Janelle: Rachel, you're so beautiful.
Rachel: Thanks Janie, so are you.
Janelle: Maggie, you're such a bitch.

Janelle: If they're gonna play dirty, I'm gonna play dirtier. If they're gonna play mean, I'm gonna play meaner. If they wanna act like ****ing retards, let them.

Marcellas: I'm falling in love with Kaysar. It's crazy, his body makes me insane it's not like a good body it's just the kind of body that you just want to toss around.

Howie: Will, you're like my role model. Hot girlfriend, won big brother, great job, good money. I'm taking notes.
Will: I'm learning a lot from our friendship too, Howie, I've never been friends with a retarded person.

Will: It's James contention that Janelle came to a doll at the exact same time and Janelle kicked him, and bit him and punched him in the face and pulled one of his eyes out. Then she went and got some plyers and yanked out one of his wisdom teeth out. The way I saw it, she just whooped his ass.

Will [imitating James]: "I won 5 Vetos last year. They call me the Veto champ on my website." Yeah, well on my site they call you dork.

Will: Oh, what a common phrase. You always hear people saying that, "Oh it's a spool of lies!", "Ou, what's that? Spool of lies!" ...That's the dumbest fake answer I've ever heard!

Kayser [to Will]: I wonder how many calories Howie burns when he talks and how many brain cells we lose when we listen.

Jase: Chicken George – he don’t even know where he’s at. He’s like upstairs looking for the DR. He’s like outside looking for the toilet. At one point, he’s in the refrigerator looking for the golden power of veto. I don’t even know what he’s doing.

Danielle: I don’t like wet water. Period.

Jen: Honestly, I would prefer to vote for anyone besides either of you in the house, but I have no choice so I will have to vote for one of you.

Josh: Matt, you were gonna train me? Last time I checked buddy I’m way lighter then you, look better than you, both my eyes go in the same direction.

Matt: How many of the 10 Commandments have been broken in this house? The only one we have not broken is murder & that's only because we would lose the money.

those are my favs!

What about that one quote from Natalie:

"There are 27 letters in the alphabet"and Ryan was like, "no there are 26". and she counts all on her fingers as she sings. and she gets to the end and is like "x, y, AND, a z."and Ryan's like, "And is not a letter!"

it was hilarious.
Ask me why so many fade,
>> But I'm still here.

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