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Old 03-18-2008, 03:15 PM
falling slowly
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Firecrackers [NB] #162: No title, the dynamic between Brooke and Nathan is killing us

Don't mind where you come from
As long as you come to me..

If I had the chance love
You know, I would not hesitate
To tell you all the things I never said before

It's the kind of thing you get when you're not looking
It's the kind of thing you had from the start

You and I, we’re two of a kind,
I hate to say it but you’ll never relate, what makes you tick?
It makes me smile.

Welcome to the Nathan/Brooke Appreciation thread. This thread was started by -Punk-. The name 'Firecrackers' was thought up by Aleah back in thread eight when it was decided that word described both characters perfectly. We may be a crazy bunch sometimes but ultimately all we want is some more scenes where they talk about more than Haley.

Why you love Nathan/Brooke?

Oh, so many reasons. First of all, they're my two favorite characters on the show, so I can't help but just stick them together. James and Sophia have insane amounts of chemistry together, and they manage to turn scenes that are far too few and too far between into amazing things. I think that both of these two could bring so much into a relationship together -- besides the fact that he's the captain of the basketball team and she's head cheerleader, I think they would totally understand each other. It wouldn't surprise me if Brooke had a home life very similar to Nathan's, and Nathan would totally understand Brooke's home life.

And of course, they'd look good naked.
- Betsy

They're so much a like, yet they're so different at the exact same time. They understand what the other is going through, and I don't think that is just based on past experiences. Although, they have had many similar experiences. Lastly, they'd just be so hott together. - Alison

Because they're the hottest couple that haven't happened. Seriously, I'd dump all my OTPs if these were given a chance. - Tejal

They're hot...duh! JK...well they just seem like they have the same personalities and could be so great together. And they seem more natural then some other ships on the show - Laura

If you want to be added PM Unpredictable

Hmmm....well I didn't love them from the very first season. I actually thought Brooke was a bitch. But, I started getting sick of NH, and I never liked BL....then one day during Season 2 I just started noticing the potential they had to be something great. Which is weird, because they really have no scenes together. But they scene they did have, they managed to have chemistry in such short scenes. Then I started looking at their characters in detail. They we're both going through a lot of the same stuff in their lives. They had so much in common and yet we never seen them have a deep conversation relating to each other, which I find odd because if I had to choose any character the would probably have to most in common with Nathan in a lot of aspects in would be Brooke. They both come from broken homes and try to find out ways to deal with it, their both athletic and into sports, they both been hurt and know how it feels to be lied to and betrayed...and so on. I started to love them because I noticed all the potential they had and what a great coupld and love story they could be. I just think they could be really good for each other. They mesh together so well. I think if they spent more time together they wouldn't be able to control falling for each other. I also think they could help each other get passed their past heartaches. - Nonna

Because it's Nathan and Brooke...isn't that reason enough? But seriously I love NB because, not only are they totally hot but I find them the most interesting characters, personally. I love Peyton as well but I feel like Nathan and Brooke are really right for each other. I'm basically repeating everything I said in the other sections but they would just understand each other. The way they look at each other also helps because they have the hottest stares, at least I think so. - Roxy

I love Nathan and Brooke because they would complement eachother so well. They come from the same backgrounds, and are so alike that they would really bring something new and unique to the table. Nathan and Brooke both come from broken homes and have masked themselves to the public by their popularity. They both are beautiful to look so they would of course make the best looking couple of Tree Hill. And of course would shock the world if they happened. Nathan and Brooke would be unlike any other couple. The banter, the witty, the looks and the chemistry would knock everyone out. - Sandy

I think these two have so much of chemistry together, its evident in every scene they have together. I also think the reason I love them so much is that Mark has never implied that there could be an actual relationship but the thing is there are so many different roads in which they could take this relationship. I actually get quite giddy about how delicious it could be. Brooke and Nathan also have many similarities as far as their personalities go along with relationships and such. I believe they’d be able to relate so well to each other and as much as this relationship would be amazing physically, I know it could go a lot deeper than that. - Nicola

By Punk

Why I love Nathan/Brooke? Whats not to love? James and Sophia have sizzling chemistry and although they dont have many scenes the scenes they do have are always entertaining and filled with chemistry. I think these two could really understand each other, they have been through similar things like the cheating incidents and I believe that they would have similar home lives and if they just went deeper with Brooke's character you could discover that. I think they could bring out sides ine ach other that no one has been able to bring out before. They would be a breath of fresh air and this show could definately use them to spice it up a lot. oh and they would be the hottest couple ever. - Mel

At first I loved them because of a fic I read, a fic I will never stop pimping btw. But after our godsend of a shower scene, more like from the time we heard about it, I knew I was pretty hooked. After lot of thought I've decided a few factors that appeal to Nathan and Brooke for me more than anything.
1. They are such similar personalities, even after 2 and a half seasons they are still the same people down at the bone, he'll eternally be the bad boy, and she's the peppy cheerleader, even though I know that is just a mask she wears to the world, I belive only Nathan could truely get through to her inner core.
2. Let's face the truth, they are both SMOKING HOT, and together, they would be an explosion. But don't get me wrong, they wouldn't be all sexual energy, their connection goes so much deeper than that (see above)
3. They have both been hurt in the past, so they would know better than treating the other one that way. They would build their relationship on a strong foundation, free of any lies or similar problems, which will only make them stronger.
- Maria

The reason why I love Brooke and Nathan is because I feel that there is something between them has been untouched on the show. Most of the time a head cheerleader and the captain of the basketball team would hook up, so I think there might have been a past relationship or something that they don't talk about. NB both have really good chemistry in the few scenes that they have had together. Nathan seems to kind of put Brooke in her place and vice versa. He doesn't seem to think she is the most beautiful girl ever and she doesn't seem to act that way towards him either. They are both equal in their popularity and good looks so they don't need to gain anything by them getting together, but if they did hook up they both would definitely be HOT together. The fact that both Nathan and Brooke have had broken hearts from other people would help in their relationship. Nathan and Brooke have been trustworthy and loyal in their other relationships, so you know they would be loyal to each other. NB could help each other mend their broken hearts because they both know what they want most in a relationship, trust and loyalty. Nathan also seems to bring out the best in Brooke and vice versa, whenever they have scenes they both smile or laugh with each other which they don't seem to do as often with other people. Oh yea and did I mention that NB would be HOT together too!! what I couldn't resist :lol
- Liz

Why I love Nathan and Brooke? Wow, where do I start!? Well for one they are the two hottest people on the show! That's just one of the reasons though. In season one, two and three they were so alike, they both had issues with there parents, they both fell in love and then the person they loved left, the were both known for sleeping around, the person they loved changed them both, they were both popular, and the list goes on. And the chemistry they have! Its just amazing, and there eye sex is so hot! Every single scene they have isn't a pointless scene talking about something that doesn't matter. Everything they talk about matters, whether its Brooke helping NH out or Nathan telling Brooke about his dreams (=D) or helping her with Lucas. And how can you not love them after their sprinkler scene!?!!? - Judy (brathanfan27)

They are people who know how it feels when you seem to never be enough for the people you love. They fought and failed against their parents' expectations, they were lied to and left behind by their lovers, and no one told them that they deserved to be loved, that no one else deserved it like they do. The reason they've never took a real chance was because they could see themself in each other eyes, and they were scared to see someone unworthy, but this is the same reason why that makes them what they are, people that can conect with a look, people that can naturally share a tender and playful moment under a moonlight, and read each others heart. - Swamy

Nathan/Brooke Fanfiction:
Seasons Change
Life Happens
Dusk and Summer
Fatal Flaw
Worst Summer, Best Summer
All At Once
Fall Into Me
My Favorite Mistake
When The Lights Go Out

The Bitter Taste
She Don't Dream For Me
Movies That Make You Cry
You, My Love
Moving Forward
The Heart's Desire
Sexual Tension
Broken Inside
9th crime is that alright with you



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by Bkrstar

The actors we :

Sign the magazine petition!

Future titles

B/C Our TV's will explode of the FireCrackers
B/C Our ship is 86% match in heaven
B/C have you seen the tape?
B/C "I never watched the tape Brooke." Yeah right.
B/C in the future they would watch a movie and eat chips. Their MOVIE
B/C she went to see him on set though she didn’t have to
B/C she went to see him on set though it was her day off

Scene of the moment

'People that are meant to be together always find their way in the end'
BrookeღLucas l EdwardღBella l RonღHermione l RyanღTaylor
avi: NOLA504
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