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Old 03-05-2008, 12:33 AM
Loyal Fan
Joined: Sep 2007
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Originally Posted by ericsfan (View Post)
Guess who got an iPhone tonight?! Booyah!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do geeky toys make me so happy? Please tell me why.

It's the 8 GB iPhone (not the 16 GB one) but it was free, a total surprise gift, so I'm not going to be picky! I'm so happy.

Hope you all come to radio chat tomorrow so I can blab on and on about my new phone. (Actually, I can blab and blab even without you all, but it will be way more fun if you're there.)
so cool martha!!!!! you and jess can compare notes (OT)

thanks debbie, if you can do it i can.

all i can say is josh cracks me up.

and nat and matty should have a pen nom. she was writing down stuff with polish. i thought that was against the rules. and trust me i emailed my complaint.
i will be on a first name basis as many times a day i have been emailing. LOL

nite all. i am done ranting.
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