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Old 02-27-2008, 07:00 AM
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Cristofle's Avatar
Joined: May 2005
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While I can't argue with the most of what you said, about the sexual chemistry. See I agree they don't strike me as the kind of couple with tons of heat and sparks. But that's why i have two categories for my ships - the sexy "set the screen on fire" couples and the ones I like because I think they're cute. It's a whole different kind of chemistry. And there there seems to be quite a few people who enjoyed them as friends for me to think KH and TR's chem can't be all that bad. But obviously you vehemently think they belong to neither category. Oh well as they say, c’est la vie.
I just saw this in the other thread, lol. I have plenty of couples I've liked that are simply sweet, that aren't necessarily crackling with sexual tension. It's not the lack of simply sexual chemistry I see with TR and Katherine. I think they have brother/sister chemistry, lol. You know, the kind that makes it look like I'm watching siblings try to get it on. It creeps me out. I don't see any chemistry or connection between them that makes any kind of romantic relationship believable in the slightest.

As for other pairings I've disliked...

Ryan/anyone (The OC- I hate Ryan)
Mulder/Diana Fowley
The mere idea of Sydney/Sark, even though this was never canon
What do you know of my heart, priestess?
What do you know of my sister?
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