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Old 02-23-2008, 03:22 PM
Passionate Fan
Joined: Sep 2007
Posts: 3,672
Drabble I just wrote:

The world keeps spinning round and their eyes keep burning bright with love and light.

But then it stops turning and the stars dim to dark and the clouds during the day become too grey.

She holds him in her arms like breakable glass his hair thin and straw like.

"You are not a Superman, you can break," she whispers in his ear.

"Not now, not yet, I still need to find my Kryptonite," he says.

She kisses his dry lips softly and thinks to herself, "You already have."

It's like a second blood flowing through his veins as the chemicals burn and his eyes try not to water.

She tells him he doesn't have to be strong, the words of let me in and please don't give up on the tip of her tongue but not coming.

He wants to hold her, say the things he wishes he could, like don't leave me and I love you and I'm scared, just like you, maybe even more.

There's a sunny day where trees start to turn colors and wind turns crisp when he finally breaks.

She holds him close like a child, unwarranted anger falling away and life returning.

He becomes weaker then, rust showing on his outer surface, cracks in the paint coming to the surface.

She's like the brush to his canvas fixing blemishes and mending broken things.

It changed on a Tuesday, almost winter and New York was at a stand still, snow covered blankets of white, dead air and cold.

Doctors ramblings and big words only one understood….gone.

It was then that they could live.

Spring days came renewal, as he held her now kissing her crown and smelling like lavender and lilacs.

He leaned to her ear, hot breath and humid air in summer.

"I told you I had yet to find my kryptonite."

"I'll always be you're Lois Lane."

"Don't be, just be my Nikki."

It was sealed with good and light of day, a hope of better luck and a second chance.

Amanda!! I loved C!HS!!!!
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