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Old 09-23-2004, 10:20 PM
Part-Time Fan
Joined: Jan 2004
Posts: 391
Originally posted by madelen
As I haven't seen season four, what was the "turning point" for Rory? When did she begin to like Dean again?
that was so totally my question. I CANT BELIEVE she said "i love you." that is the point of the show where i just started sceaming!! since when??? since when rory do you love him?? that's so fake. and please, perfect?? really?? except for that one little detail of you having a WIFE!!!
I was so sad for lindsey in this episode. how could dean be showing her attitude? shouldent he be all guilty and quiet?? and since when does your husband whom you promised to "honor and cherish and all that stuff" become "people"?? She's your wife dean!!!! if she can wash your underwear, she can pick up your cell phone!!!!!
i felt sooo sad for her with the pot roast scene. i was almost at tears. i felt like he was using her so horribly.
ugh!! sorry if im ranting, but thats all i have been able to do.
speaking of rant... what is with lane?? has she lost her mind?? shouldent she be the one reminding rory that dean is married instead of gushing like a 14 year old??
and they did it again?? in miss patties?? that place that is right in the center of town???? aaaagghh!! this episode, except for all the l/l parts made me want to vomit profusely.
ill stop, because i have a butt load of homwork to do, not because i cant think of more things to say.... believe me i have a lot more...
There are a lot of bubble in that glass... Hundreds of bubbles.. It's like a little Jacuzzi!!-Milo
you'll just be distracting a good way
do it, c'mon, you know you want to, all the cool kids are doing it!VOTE SHANE!
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