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Old 02-10-2008, 06:00 PM
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Our own story of James #2...The story has only begun

Once there was a boy who loved a pretty shy girl.

She never knew about her feelings for Him. The great part of the Love that nobody can show the boy is also the one who knows her true love is not the boat.

It really is so much the feeling of trust that can be felt in his heart when she said that the reason she loved him wasn't because destiny had came to cross her path, but because he was the one to make her think that everything she dreamed of could be made true. All their dreams had been shattered into pieces, but now when they were together there was a certain sense of everything around them being right.

For years there was nothing but confusion and hidden feelings until one summer when a sudden realization occured. They both felt that they were heading towards a special time of new exploration. It was like a whole different world had suddenly opened up and gave them a chance to explore each and every part of it. When they would finish each others sentences and guess correctly their respective computer passwords!

So they decided to take their lives into a new direction. One that had many moments of joy with the adventures, some quiet moments and plenty of kisses. It never occured to them to think of everything that had happened before; this was part of their road back to each other's because you never know when love will find you. Heather often goes back and James says that if he knew then what Dawson's would become surely there would have run through a wall.

Katie often calls James to talk about the crappy, incongruent ending. Mostly stating that things never turned out the way they hoped it would in the end.

"You don't make it easy to ask a simple question, but that's what makes you, you.
The woman I want to spend my life with. The woman that I l o v e . Lois Lane, will you marry me"?
" Y e s ".
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