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Old 09-19-2004, 09:42 PM
Passionate Fan

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Joined: Apr 2004
Posts: 3,033
This is a new Kelso's diary entry from, and I thought the line he says about Jackie is sweet:

"Ole’ Man Forman"
The other day I was up in Mr. and Mrs. Forman’s bedroom looking for some shoe polish to draw on Eric’s face while he took a nap. He’s due for another unibrow and Yosemite Sam mustache. Anyway, I saw this picture of Eric, but it was black and white. (It was kinda hard to tell ‘cause Eric is so pale that sometimes he looks colorless.) I took a closer look and realized that it wasn’t Eric… it was a picture of Red when he was young! They looked just like each other! I could suddenly see Eric being all old and bald and threatening to put his foot in someone’s ass.

Then I started wondering, what are the rest of us gonna look like when we’re older? I, of course, will age gracefully like James Dean, but what about the others? I mean it’s hard enough for everyone to live in my good looking shadow now, but what about the future? Will Hyde be bald? Will Fez be all wrinkly, because clearly he spends too much time in the sun. And what about the girls? I’m not really worried about Jackie. She’s got enough natural beauty to last her forever, probably even into her thirties. And Donna will probably be one hot grandma, too. I just worry about how soon. I mean her hair already turned from red to blonde so grey can’t be far behind.

I dozed off thinking about this because thinking always puts me right to asleep. But then Red stormed in and yelled at me for drooling on his pillow. I grabbed the shoe polish and got the hell out of there. Look out, Yosemite Eric, ‘cause here I come.
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But whips and chains excite me
So gag me up, and tie me down
And show me that you love me.
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