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Old 09-19-2004, 02:22 AM
Extreme Fan
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Originally posted by Ragnarok
I agree with you, Dazzling. Although I have to say I eventually ran out of patience with Buffy. I cut her a lot of slack in the first half of the season. She was in terrible shape, through no fault of her own really, and while I think her decision to not tell any of her friends what they'd done to her was wrong, she was well-motivated. I didn't have any trouble believing she was hanging on by a thread, and a drowning person has no conscience.

By the time Gone came around, though, she was starting to find an equilibrium. Even though she was still very unhappy, she appeared to be stable enough that she ought to have been more responsible in her treatment of the people around her.

I think the real turning point in Willow and Tara's relationship happened earlier, though - in All The Way. Once Willow erased Tara's memory of their fight, she crossed a line and I no longer had any sympathy for her. It was only a matter of time until she got caught and Tara left her, and I was completely on Tara's side in that.
I agree my patience would run thin with Buffy from time to time in season 6.. while I always find it interesting to see these characters at their darkest moments and I certainly believe Buffy had a right to feel the way she felt.. there were times when I felt Buffy could have behaved differently.

I also agree about All the Way. That was the first episode where I really saw the first true rift in the Tara/Willow relationship.. but I feel that TR was the breaking point for the two.
Joss Whedon on the last Spuffy scene in Chosen: What I basically told them was play the romance, be proud of him, love him when you say you love him..

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